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Coding Standards
Laravel Starter App Using Vue ,Vuetify, and InertiaJS.
⚛️ Ping CRM React - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and React (hosted on a heroku free dyno).
Inertia.js Tables for Laravel Query Builder
A simple twitter-feed-style RSS aggregator written in PHP, Laravel, Inertia.js, Tailwind and Vue.js
Batteries included Laravel preset based on InertiaJS, VueJS and TailwindCSS stack.
This website contains API Backend and employee data management for SiAP application. This website is built with Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Vue JS, and Inertia JS. This website also has an attendance page
🦊 Ping CRM Svelte - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and Svelte (hosted on a heroku free dyno).