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Last Updated: 2023-08-16 13:34:58

Coupons and promotional codes generator for Laravel.

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP

#StandWithUkraine laravel-promocodes


Packagist Packagist license

Coupons and promotional codes generator for Laravel. Current release is only for Laravel 9.x and PHP 8.1. It's completely rewritten, and if you are using previous version, you should change your code accordingly. Code is simplified now and it should take you several minutes to completely rewrite usage.

Attention: Current version is completely rewritten. If you are missing some functionality, that was possible to achieve in previous versions, fill free to open issue. Hope this new version will be easier to use, and it will provide better functionality for your needs.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require zgabievi/laravel-promocodes


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Zorb\Promocodes\PromocodesServiceProvider"

Now you can change configurations as you need:

return [
    'models' => [
        'promocodes' => [
            'model' => \Zorb\Promocodes\Models\Promocode::class,
            'table_name' => 'promocodes',
            'foreign_id' => 'promocode_id',

        'users' => [
            'model' => \App\Models\User::class,
            'table_name' => 'users',
            'foreign_id' => 'user_id',

        'pivot' => [
            'model' => \Zorb\Promocodes\Models\PromocodeUser::class,
            'table_name' => 'promocode_user',
    'code_mask' => '****-****',
    'allowed_symbols' => 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789',

After you configure this file, run migrations:

php artisan migrate

Now you will need to use AppliesPromocode on your user model.

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Zorb\Promocodes\Traits\AppliesPromocode;

class User extends Authenticatable {
    use AppliesPromocode;



It's very easy to use. Methods are combined, so that you can configure promocodes easily.


Name Explanation
Mask Astrisks will be replaced with random symbol
Characters Allowed symbols to use in mask replacement
Multi use Define if single code can be used multiple times, by the same user
Unlimited Generated code will have unlimited usages
Bound to user Define if promocode can be used only one user, if user is not assigned initially, first user will be bound to promocode
User Define user who will be initially bound to promocode
Count Amount of unique promocodes should be generated
Usages Define how many times can promocode be used
Expiration DateTime when promocode should be expired. Null means that promocode will never expire
Details Array of details which will be retrieved upon apply

Creating Promocodes

Using class

Combine methods as you need. You can skip any method that you don't need, most of them already have default values.

use Zorb\Promocodes\Facades\Promocodes;

Promocodes::mask('AA-***-BB') // default: config('promocodes.code_mask')
          ->characters('ABCDE12345') // default: config('promocodes.allowed_symbols')
          ->multiUse() // default: false
          ->unlimited() // default: false
          ->boundToUser() // default: false
          ->user(User::find(1)) // default: null
          ->count(5) // default: 1
          ->usages(5) // default: 1
          ->expiration(now()->addYear()) // default: null
          ->details([ 'discount' => 50 ]) // default: []

Using helper

There is a global helper function which will do the same as promocodes class. You can use named arguments magic from php 8.1.

    mask: 'AA-***-BB', // default: config('promocodes.code_mask')
    characters: 'ABCDE12345', // default: config('promocodes.allowed_symbols')
    multiUse: true, // default: false
    unlimited: true, // default: false
    boundToUser: true, // default: false
    user: User::find(1), // default: null
    count: 5, // default: 1
    usages: 5, // default: 1
    expiration: now()->addYear(), // default: null
    details: [ 'discount' => 50 ] // default: []

Using command

There is also the command for creating promocodes. Parameters are optional here too.

php artisan promocodes:create\
  --expiration="2022-01-01 00:00:00"

Generating Promocodes

If you want to output promocodes and not save them to database, you can call generate method instead of create.

use Zorb\Promocodes\Facades\Promocodes;

Promocodes::mask('AA-***-BB') // default: config('promocodes.code_mask')
          ->characters('ABCDE12345') // default: config('promocodes.allowed_symbols')
          ->multiUse() // default: false
          ->unlimited() // default: false
          ->boundToUser() // default: false
          ->user(User::find(1)) // default: null
          ->count(5) // default: 1
          ->usages(5) // default: 1
          ->expiration(now()->addYear()) // default: null
          ->details([ 'discount' => 50 ]) // default: []

Applying Promocode

Using class

Combine methods as you need. You can skip any method that you don't need.

use Zorb\Promocodes\Facades\Promocodes;

          ->user(User::find(1)) // default: null

Using helper

There is a global helper function which will do the same as promocodes class.

    User::find(1) // default: null

Using command

There is also the command for applying promocode.

php artisan promocodes:apply ABC-DEF --user=1


While trying to apply promocode, you should be aware of exceptions. Most part of the code throws exceptions, when there is a problem:

// Zorb\Promocodes\Exceptions\*

PromocodeAlreadyUsedByUserException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` is already used by user with id 1."
PromocodeBoundToOtherUserException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` is bound to other user, not user with id 1."
PromocodeDoesNotExistException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` doesn't exist." | "The code was not event provided."
PromocodeExpiredException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` already expired."
PromocodeNoUsagesLeftException - "The given code `ABC-DEF` has no usages left."
UserHasNoAppliesPromocodeTrait - "The given user model doesn't have AppliesPromocode trait."
UserRequiredToAcceptPromocode - "The given code `ABC-DEF` requires to be used by user, not by guest."


There are two events which are fired upon applying.

// Zorb\Promocodes\Events\*

GuestAppliedPromocode // Fired when guest applies promocode
    // It has public variable: promocode

UserAppliedPromocode // Fired when user applies promocode
    // It has public variable: promocode
    // It has public variable: user

Expiring Promocode

Using helper

There is a global helper function which will expire promocode.


Using command

There is also the command for expiring promocode.

php artisan promocodes:expire ABC-DEF

Trait Methods

If you added AppliesPromocode trait to your user model, you will have some additional methods on user.

$user = User::find(1);

$user->appliedPromocodes // Returns promocodes applied by user
$user->boundPromocodes // Returns promocodes bound to user
$user->applyPromocode('ABC-DEF') // Applies promocode to user

Additional Methods

Promocodes::all(); // To retrieve all (available/not available) promocodes
Promocodes::available(); // To retrieve valid (available) promocodes
Promocodes::notAvailable(); // To retrieve invalid (not available) promocodes


composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.