Stars: 116
Forks: 30
Pull Requests: 47
Issues: 115
Watchers: 18
Last Updated: 2023-04-19 20:43:09
LAN party management web application
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Languages: Shell, PHP, Vue, Blade, Dockerfile, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS
LANager is a web application designed to make LAN parties more enjoyable for attendees and organisers alike.
Clone the lanager-docker-compose
git clone
Copy .env.example
to a new file named .env
cd lanager-docker-compose
cp .env.example .env
Open the environment configuration file in a text editor:
nano .env
Set the following configuration items:
to base64:
followed by
a randomly generated 32 character base64 stringAPP_URL
to the URL you will access LANager through, without a trailing slash,
to your
location's timezoneSTEAM_API_KEY
to your Steam API KeyGOOGLE_API_KEY
to your Google API Key with access to the Maps
to a randomly generated passwordDB_ROOT_PASSWORD
to a different randomly generated passwordBring up the application:
docker-compose up --detach
Check the application's status:
docker ps --filter name=lanager
When the container status shows Up x minutes (healthy)
, initialise the database:
LANager should now be accessible at http://localhost, or at the URL you specified in APP_URL
, providing you've
created a corresponding DNS A
record for the Docker host's IP address, and allowed ports 80
and 443
the Docker host's firewall.
docker-compose down --rmi local --volumes
to delete the database data and LANager container image, and then
retry the setup steps above.env
file and enable debugging:
If you get stuck, create an issue with the details of what you're experiencing:
docker-compose up
docker logs lanager
To set up the LANager for your next LAN party, you need to create a LAN page, then add Events (such as scheduled games or lunch breaks) and Guides (such as game rules) to that LAN page.
The LANager assigns the "Super Admin" role to the first account that logs into it, so make sure you log in as soon as you have completed installation.
Super Admins can perform any action on the site, including assigning roles to other users.
The first thing you need to do is to create a LAN page in the LANager. This process is the same whether your LAN party is one day or multiple days. You need to do this before you can create an event schedule, publish any guides or award achievements.
Log into the LANager, and go to ⚙ > LANs, then select the + button to go to the LAN page creation form. Enter your LAN's details, and add a description with Markdown formatting if you want to.
The LANager automatically adds anyone who logs into the LANager during the LAN party to the LAN's list of attendees. For each attendee it displays the current LAN page, which contains the LAN's timetabled events, guides and attendees list.
Once you have a LAN page for your LAN party, you can create Events and Guides to help attendees enjoy your party.
From the LAN page, click the + button next to the Events and Guides headings to go to their creation forms.
You can use markdown-formatted links in LANs, guides and events. For example, you can write a single guide, and insert a link to it on several event pages:
If you need any help, please contact one of our [tournament staff](/lans/4/guides/3)
Where possible, it's good practice to use relative links as demonstrated above, so that if you change your domain, the links continue to work.
You can upload images to LAN pages, Events and Guides. To do this, follow these steps:
The slides feature allows you to display a looping slideshow of live data and useful info for your attendees, such as which event is starting next, which games people are playing, and how to log into the LANager.
To display the slideshow, log in as an admin, and navigate to ⚙ > LANs > (your LAN) > Slides.
Load the slideshow on a big TV or projector so that attendees can see the info easily.
Click ⚙ > Achievements and then click the + button to create achievements that you can award to users.
To award an Achievement to an attendee, go to the navigation bar and select Achievements. This opens the list of Achievements you have awarded to attendees of the current LAN. At the bottom of the page, choose the Achievement and the attendee to award it to, then select Award.
Click ⚙ > Navigation to customise the links shown on the navigation bar. You can link to pages on the LANager or to third-party sites, organise the links into drop-down menus, and choose the order that the links appear in the navbar or dropdown.
Run ./
to back up LANager's configuration, database data and uploaded images.
Run ./ <file>
to restore a backup.
If you have an existing LANager installation that you would like to migrate to docker, follow the below steps.
Create a temporary directory
mkdir -p /tmp/lanager/images
Dump your existing MySQL data into a file:
sudo mysqldump -uroot --add-drop-database --databases lanager > /tmp/lanager/lanager.sql
Stop MySQL, Nginx & PHP running on your server:
sudo systemctl stop mysql nginx php7.2-fpm
sudo systemctl start mysql nginx php7.2-fpm
Copy your existing uploaded images into the temporary directory:
cp /var/www/lanager/storage/app/public/images/* /tmp/lanager/images
Back up your existing .env
cp .env .env.original
Update your existing .env
nano .env
DB_ROOT_PASSWORD= (generate a root password)
Bring the containers up:
docker-compose up --detach
Load the environment file containing the database details into the current shell
source .env
Restore the database data dump into the db
container using a temporary mysql image:
docker run -i -e "MYSQL_PWD=$DB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --network lanager-docker-compose_lanager-network --rm mysql:8 \
mysql "-h$DB_HOST" -uroot "$DB_DATABASE" < /tmp/lanager/lanager.sql
Restore the uploaded images into the Laravel storage volume:
docker run --rm --volumes-from lanager -v /tmp/lanager/:/restore php:7.4-fpm cp /restore/images/* \
Open your browser and test, and if all is well, uninstall MySQL, PHP and NGINX:
sudo apt remove mysql nginx php7.2
Remove the temporary directory:
rm -rf /tmp/lanager
Follow the steps from the Setup section above
Stop the running containers
docker-compose down
Check out the development branch of lanager-docker-compose
cd lanager-docker-compose
git checkout develop
Edit lanager-docker-compose/.env
and add the following lines:
In a directory outside of lanager-docker-compose
, clone the lanager
git clone --branch develop
Install composer
on your host computer
From the lanager
directory, install composer dependencies:
composer install --no-scripts
Set an environment variable with the path to where you cloned the lanager
repository (without a trailing slash)
export PATH_TO_LANAGER=/path/to/lanager
export PATH_TO_LANAGER_STORAGE=/path/to/lanager/storage
From the lanager-docker-compose
directory, run envsubst
to substitute in the path to lanager into
envsubst < docker-compose.override.yml.example > docker-compose.override.yml
Start the containers
docker-compose up --detach
After a minute or so, visit http://localhost
The container will run the code from your host computer, rather than the static copy of the code in the container's
image, so any changes you make to the files in the project directory (except for the storage/
will be seen by the running containers.
To stop the development environment run docker-compose stop
When you're ready to start developing again run docker-compose start
To destroy the development environment and all volumes that store lanager data, run:
docker-compose down --volumes
Follow the setup steps above to get a fresh development environment.
To automatically check for and fix problems with your code before you commit:
directory, run pre-commit install
To check your code, run pre-commit run --all-files
or attempt to run git commit
To recompile JavaScript & CSS assets, from the lanager
directory, run:
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/var/www/html -w /var/www/html node:14-alpine npm install
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/var/www/html -w /var/www/html node:14-alpine npm run dev
To recompile whenever changes to files are detected, run:
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/var/www/html -w /var/www/html node:14-alpine npm run watch-poll
To recompile minified versions suitable for committing, run:
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/var/www/html -w /var/www/html node:14-alpine npm run prod
Before submitting pull requests, please run the functional test suite to check your changes don't break existing functionality.
Run docker exec -it lanager php artisan dusk
to run LANager's browser test suite.
If you want to support the project in a non-technical way, we'd love it if you donated to us:
Enjoy using the LANager!