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Last Updated: 2023-09-07 20:32:29

Fast, simple, async php telegram api server: MadelineProto + Amp HTTP Server

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP, Dockerfile, Shell


Fast, simple, async php telegram api server: MadelineProto and Amp Http Server


  • Fast async Amp Http Server
  • Full access to telegram api: bot and user
  • Multiple sessions
  • Stream media (view files in a browser)
  • Upload media
  • Websocket endpoints for events and logs
  • MadelineProto optimized settings to reduce memory consumption

Architecture Example Architecture Example


git clone TelegramApiServer
cd TelegramApiServer
cp .env.docker.example .env.docker
docker compose pull


  1. Get app_id and app_hash at Only one app_id needed for any amount of users and bots.
  2. Fill app_id and app_hash in .env.docker or .env.
  3. Start TelegramApiServer in cli: 1. Start container interactively: docker compose run --rm api 2. If you need to start multiple sessions, create docker-compose.override.yml. Add additional containers there. Use unique ports and session names in command.
  4. Authorize your session:
    1. Chose account type: user (u) or bot (b)
    2. Follow instructions
  5. Wait 10-30 seconds until session is started. You will see logs:
    TelegramApiServer ready. 
    Number of sessions: 1.
  6. Exit with Ctrl + C
  7. Run container in background docker compose up -d.


  • git pull or git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master
  • rm -rf vendor/
  • Compare .env.docker or .env with corresponding .env.example. Update if needed.
  • Recreate containers:
    docker compose pull
    docker compose down
    docker compose up -d


  1. Run server/parser

    usage: php server.php [--help] [-a=|--address=] [-p=|--port=9503] [-s=|--session=]  [-e=|--env=.env] [--docker]
            --help      Show this message
        -a  --address   Server ip (optional) (default:
                        To listen external connections use and fill IP_WHITELIST in .env
        -p  --port      Server port (optional) (default: 9503)
        -s  --session   Name for session file (optional)
                        Multiple sessions can be specified: "--session=user --session=bot"
                        Each session is stored in `sessions/{$session}.madeline`. 
                        Nested folders supported.
                        See README for more examples.
        -e  --env       .env file name. (default: .env). 
                        Helpful when need multiple instances with different settings
            --docker    Apply some settings for docker: add docker network to whitelist.
    Also some options can be set in .env file (see .env.example)
  2. Access Telegram API with simple GET/POST requests. Regular and application/json POST supported. It's recommended to use http_build_query, when using GET requests.


    • All methods from MadelineProto supported: Methods List

    • Url: http://%address%:%port%/api[/%session%]/%class%.%method%/?%param%=%val%

    • Important: api available only from ip in whitelist. By default it is: You can add a client IP in .env file to IP_WHITELIST (separate with a comma)

      In docker version by default api available only from localhost ( To allow connections from the internet, need to change ports in docker-compose.yml to 9503:9503 and recreate the container: docker compose up -d. This is very insecure, because this will open TAS port to anyone from the internet. Only protection is the IP_WHITELIST, and there are no warranties that it will secure your accounts.

    • If method is inside class (messages, contacts and etc.) use '.' to separate class from method:

    • If method requires array of values, use any name of array, for example 'data': ?data[peer]=@xtrime&data[message]=Hello!. Order of parameters does't matter in this case.

    • If method requires one or multiple separate parameters (not inside array) then pass parameters with any names but in strict order: or works the same


    • get_info about channel/user:
    • get_info about currect account:
    • repost:[from_peer]=@xtrime&data[to_peer]=@xtrime&data[id]=1234
    • get messages from channel/user:[peer]=@breakingmash&data[limit]=10
    • get messages with text in HTML:[peer]=@breakingmash&data[limit]=10
    • search:[q]=Hello%20World&data[limit]=10
    • sendMessage:[peer]=@xtrime&data[message]=Hello!
    • copy message from one channel to another (not repost):[from_peer]=@xtrime&data[to_peer]=@xtrime&data[id][0]=1

Advanced features

Get events/updates

Telegram is event driven platform. For example: every time your account receives a message you immediately get an update. There are multiple ways of getting updates in TelegramApiServer / MadelineProto:
1. Websocket
2. Long Polling:
send request to getUpdates endpoint
curl "[limit]=3&data[offset]=0&data[timeout]=10.0" -g
3. Webhook: Redirect all updates to your endpoint, just like bot api!
curl "" -g
Example uses urlencoded url in query.

Uploading files.

There are few options to upload and send media files:

  • Custom method sendMedia supports upload from form:
    curl "[peer]=xtrime&data[message]=Hello" -g \
    -F "file=@/Users/xtrime/Downloads/test.txt"
  • use custom uploadMediaForm method and then pass result to messages.sendMedia:
    1. curl "" -g -F "file=@/Users/xtrime/Downloads/test.txt" Method supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.

    2. Send result from uploadMediaForm to messages.sendMedia or sendMedia:

    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
            "peer": "@xtrime",
            "media": {
                "_": "inputMediaUploadedDocument",
                "file": {
                    "_": "inputFile",
                    "id": 1164670976363200575,
                    "parts": 1,
                    "name": "test.txt",
                    "mime_type": "text/plain",
                    "md5_checksum": ""
                "attributes": [
                        "_": "documentAttributeFilename",
                        "file_name": "test.txt"
  • See other options:

Downloading files

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "media": {
        "_": "messageMediaDocument",
        "document": {
            "_": "document",
            "id": 5470079466401169993,
            "access_hash": -6754208767885394084,
            "file_reference": {
                "_": "bytes",
                "bytes": "AkKdqJkAACnyXshwzMhdzeC5RkdVZeh58sAB/UU="
            "date": 1551713685,
            "mime_type": "video/mp4",
            "size": 400967,
            "dc_id": 2,
            "attributes": [
                    "_": "documentAttributeFilename",
                    "file_name": "одолдол.mp4"

Also see:

Multiple sessions support

WARNING: running multiple sessions in one instance is unstable. Crash/error in one session will crash all of them. Correct way: override docker-compose.yml and add containers with different ports and session names for each session.

When running multiple sessions, need to define which session to use for request. Each session stored in sessions/{$session}.madeline. Nested folders supported. Examples:

  • php server.php --session=bot --session=users/xtrime --session=users/user1
  • sessions file paths are: sessions/bot.madeline, sessions/users/xtrime.madeline and sessions/users/user1.madeline
  • glob syntax for sessions:
    • --session=* to use all sessions/*.madeline files (in subfolders too).
    • --session=users/* --session=bots/* to use all session files from sessions/bots and sessions/users folders.

Different settings for sessions

  • Use --env argument to define the relative path to env file. Example: php server.php --env=.env, php server.php --env=sessions/.env.session
    This is helpful to define unique settings for different instances of TelegramApiServer.
    You can start multiple instances of TelegramApiServer with different sessions on different ports with their own settings.

  • Another way to manage settings - put %sessionName%.settings.json in sessions folder. Example of session.settings.json to add proxy for the one session:

        "connection_settings": {
            "all": {
                "proxy": "\\SocksProxy",
                "proxy_extra": {
                    "address": "",
                    "port": 1234,
                    "username": "user",
                    "password": "pass"

    Methods to work with settings files:

  • Provide settings as second argument when adding session:[app_info][app_id]=xxx&&settings[app_info][app_hash]=xxx These settings will be saved into json file and will apply after the restart.

Session management


  • Session list:
  • Adding session:
  • Removing session (session file will remain): Due to madelineProto issue its instance still might be in memory and continue working even after the remove.
  • Remove session file: Don`t forget to logout and call removeSession first!
  • Close TelegramApiServer (end process):

Full list of system methods available in SystemApiExtensions class

Authorizing session remotely

WARNING: it is recomended to use interactive mode to authorize sessions! If there is no authorization in session, or session file is blank, authorization required:


  •, %2B - is urlencoded "+" sign
  • (optional)
  • (optional)



Save new session to file immediately:

Also, session can be authorized in cli/shell on server start.


EventHandler updates (webhooks).

Connect to ws:// to get all events in json. This is efficient alternative for webhooks. Each event is json object in json-rpc 2.0 format. Example:

When using multiple sessions, name of session can be added to path of websocket endpoint: This endpoint will send events only from users/xtrime session: ws://

PHP websocket client example: websocket-events.php

php examples/websocket-events.php --url=ws://


Connect to ws://[/%level%] to get logs in real time.

%level% is optional parameter to filter logs. If filter is specified, then only messages with equal or greater level will be send. This endpoint will send only alert and emergency logs: ws://

Available levels: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency.

PHP websocket client example: websocket-events.php

php examples/websocket-events.php --url=ws://

Custom methods

TelegramApiServer extends madelineProto with some handful methods.
Full list of custom methods and their parameters available in ApiExtensions class

  • getHistory - same as messages.getHistory, but all params exept peer is optional.
  • getHistoryHtml - message entities converted to html
  • formatMessage - converts entities to html
  • copyMessages - copy message from one peer to onother. Like forwardMessages, but without the link to original.
  • getMedia - download media to stream/browser
  • getMediaPreview - download media preview to stream/browser
  • uploadMediaForm - upload document from POST request.
