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Last Updated: 2023-06-27 17:06:31

Smooth product, customer and order generation for WooCommerce


Languages: PHP, JavaScript, Shell

WooCommerce Smooth Generator

A smooth products, customer and order generator using WP-CLI. Future versions will include scheduled auto generation functionality.


WooCommerce Smooth Generator requires Composer and WP-CLI to function.

  1. Clone this repository into your site's plugins folder
  2. From command line CD into the cloned repository
  3. From command run composer install and wait for the installation to complete
  4. Run wp plugin activate wc-smooth-generator to activate the plugin
  5. You now have access to a couple of new WP-CLI commands under the main wp wc generate command.



Generate products based on the number of products parameter.

  • wp wc generate products <nr of products>

Generate products of the specified type. simple or variable.

  • wp wc generate products <nr of products> --type=simple


Generate orders from existing products based on the number of orders parameter, customers will also be generated to mimic guest checkout.

Generate orders for the current date

  • wp wc generate orders <nr of orders>

Generate orders with random dates between --date-start and the current date.

  • wp wc generate orders <nr of orders> --date-start=2018-04-01

Generate orders with random dates between --date-start and --date-end.

  • wp wc generate orders <nr of orders> --date-start=2018-04-01 --date-end=2018-04-24

Generate orders with a specific status.

  • wp wc generate orders <nr of orders> --status=completed


Generate coupons based on the number of coupons parameter.

  • wp wc generate coupons <nr of coupons>

Generate coupons with a minimum discount amount.

  • wp wc generate coupons <nr of coupons> --min=5

Generate coupons with a maximum discount amount.

  • wp wc generate coupons <nr of coupons> --max=50


Generate customers based on the number of customers parameter.

  • wp wc generate customers <nr of customers>


Generate terms in the Product Categories taxonomy based on the number of terms parameter.

  • wp wc generate terms product_cat <nr of terms>

Generate hierarchical product categories with a maximum number of sub-levels.

  • wp wc generate terms product_cat <nr of terms> --max-depth=5

Generate product categories that are all child terms of an existing product category term.

  • wp wc generate terms product_cat <nr of terms> --parent=123

Generate terms in the Product Tags taxonomy based on the number of terms parameter.

  • wp wc generate terms product_tag <nr of terms>



  • Node.js v14+
  • Composer v2+
  1. If you use Node Version Manager (nvm) you can run nvm use to ensure your current Node version is compatible.
  2. Run npm run setup to get started. This will install a pre-commit Git hook that will lint changes to PHP files before they are committed. It uses the same phpcs ruleset that's used by WooCommerce Core.