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Last Updated: 2023-01-17 00:20:06

A unified reader of metadata from audio & video files.

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP


Allows you easily get meta information about any media file with unified interface. The library has no requirements of external libs or system unitilies.

Latest Stable Version License Latest Unstable Version Tests

Supported formats

Audio Video
aac, amr, flac, mp3, ogg, wav, wma avi, mkv, mp4, wmv
- length - length
- bitRate - width
- sampleRate - height
- channels - frameRate

Table of contents:

  1. Usage
  2. API
  3. Why not using getID3?
  4. Technical details


use wapmorgan\MediaFile\MediaFile;

try {
  $media = MediaFile::open('123.mp3');
  // for audio
  if ($media->isAudio()) {
    $audio = $media->getAudio();
    echo 'Duration: '.$audio->getLength().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Bit rate: '.$audio->getBitRate().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Sample rate: '.$audio->getSampleRate().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Channels: '.$audio->getChannels().PHP_EOL;
  // for video
  else {
    $video = $media->getVideo();
    // calls to VideoAdapter interface
    echo 'Duration: '.$video->getLength().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Dimensions: '.$video->getWidth().'x'.$video->getHeight().PHP_EOL;
    echo 'Framerate: '.$video->getFramerate().PHP_EOL;
} catch (wapmorgan\MediaFile\Exceptions\FileAccessException $e) {
  // FileAccessException throws when file is not a detected media
} catch (wapmorgan\MediaFile\Exceptions\ParsingException $e) {
   echo 'File is propably corrupted: '.$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;




Method Description Notes
static open($filename): MediaFile Detects file type and format and calls constructor with these parameters. Throws an \Exception if file is not a media or is not accessible.
isAudio(): boolean Returns true if media is just audio.
isVideo(): boolean Returns true if media is a video with audio.
isContainer(): boolean Returns true if media is also a container (can store multiple audios and videos).
getFormat(): string Returns media file format.
getAudio(): AudioAdapter Returns an AudioAdapter interface for audio.
getVideo(): VideoAdapter Returns an VideoAdapter interface for video.



Method Description
getLength(): float Returns audio length in seconds and microseconds as float.
getBitRate(): int Returns audio bit rate as int.
getSampleRate(): int Returns audio sampling rate as int.
getChannels(): int Returns number of channels used in audio as int.
isVariableBitRate(): boolean Returns whether format support VBR and file has VBR as boolean.
isLossless(): boolean Returns whether format has compression lossless as boolean.



Method Description
getLength(): int Returns video length in seconds and microseconds as float.
getWidth(): int Returns width of video as int.
getHeight(): int Returns height of video as int.
getFramerate(): int Returns video frame rate of video as int.



Method Description
countStreams(): int Returns number of streams in container as int.
countVideoStreams(): int Returns number of video streams as int.
countAudioStreams(): int Returns number of audio streams as int.
getStreams(): array Returns streams information as array.

Why not using getID3?

getID3 library is very popular and has a lot of features, but it's old and too slow.

Following table shows comparation of analyzing speed of fixtures, distributed with first release of MediaFile:

File getID3 MediaFile Speed gain
video.avi 0.215 0.126 1.71x
video.mp4 3.055 0.429 7.12x
video.wmv 0.354 0.372 0.95x
audio.aac 0.560 0.262 2.13x
audio.amr 8.241 12.248 0.67x
audio.flac 1.880 0.071 26.41x
audio.m4a 13.372 0.169 79.14x
audio.mp3 10.931 0.077 141.54x
audio.ogg 0.170 0.096 1.78x
audio.wav 0.114 0.070 1.64x
audio.wma 0.195 0.158 1.23x

Technical information

Format Full format name Specifications Notes
aac MPEG 4 Part 12 container with audio only Does not provide support of MPEG2-AAC
amr AMR-NB,%20Adaptive%20MultiRate/AMR%20format.pdf Does not provide support of AMR-WB
avi -
flac - - Support based on third-party library
mkv Matroska container
mp3 MPEG 1/2 Layer 1/2/3
mp4 MPEG 4 Part 12/14 container with few audio and video streams Part 12 specification: Part 14 extension:
ogg Ogg container with Vorbis audio
wav - - Support based on third-party library
wma ASF container with only one audio stream
wmv ASF container with few audio and video streams