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Last Updated: 2023-05-04 07:09:45

Nelmio Alice extension to persist the loaded fixtures.

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP, Makefile


Alice 3.x no longer ships with a persistence layer, so this library provides one!

Package version Build Status Slack license


  • Symfony 4.4+, 5.4+, 6.0+
  • Doctrine ORM 2.5+
  • Doctrine ODM 2.0+
  • Doctrine PHPCR 1.4+
  • Eloquent 8.12+


  1. Installation
    1. Without Symfony
    2. Symfony with Flex
    3. Symfony without flex
      1. Doctrine ORM
      2. Doctrine ODM
      3. Doctrine PHPCR
      4. Eloquent ORM
      5. Configuration
  2. Basic usage
  3. Configuration
  4. Advanced usage
    1. Processors
    2. Exclude tables from purge
    3. Usage in tests
      1. PHPUnit
      2. Behat
  5. Contributing


The full configuration reference is:

# app/config/config.yml

# Default config
    default_purge_mode: ~ # default is "delete" but you can change it to "truncate" or "no_purge"
        doctrine_orm: ~
        doctrine_mongodb_odm: ~
        doctrine_phpcr_odm: ~
        eloquent_orm: ~

For each driver, is the appropriate bundle is detected, e.g. DoctrineORMBundle for Doctrine and WouterJEloquentBundle for Eloquent, the services related to those driver will be enabled. If you want to skip those checks you can turn a specific driver to true instead. If you want to disable a specific driver, simply force the value false instead.

Basic usage

Create a fixture file in src/AppBundle/Resources/fixtures:

# src/AppBundle/Resources/fixtures/dummy.yml

        name: <name()>
        related_dummy: '@related_dummy*'
# src/AppBundle/Resources/fixtures/related_dummy.yml

        name: <name()>

Then you can load those files using a LoaderInterface:


$files = [

// Choose your loader
$loader = $container->get('fidry_alice_data_fixtures.loader.doctrine');         // For Doctrine ORM
$loader = $container->get('fidry_alice_data_fixtures.loader.doctrine_mongodb'); // For Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$loader = $container->get('fidry_alice_data_fixtures.loader.doctrine_phpcr');   // For Doctrine PHPCR
$loader = $container->get('fidry_alice_data_fixtures.loader.eloquent');         // For Eloquent ORM

// Purge the objects, create PHP objects from the fixture files and persist them
$objects = $loader->load($files);

// $objects is now an array of persisted `Dummy` and `RelatedDummy`

Warning: loading the objects does not trigger a clear(). This means if you are relying on some Doctrine life-cycle events in your tests, some may not be triggered as expected. See #84 For more information.

Advanced Usage

Check the advance usage entry.


Clone the project

To launch Docker containers for databases, run make start_databases

Run tests with make test.

To stop containers for databases, run make stop_databases