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Last Updated: 2023-05-30 10:09:25

php-amqplib wrapper that eases the consumption of RabbitMQ. A painless way of using RabbitMQ

License: MIT License

Languages: Dockerfile, PHP, Shell

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anik/amqp is a php-amqplib wrapper that eases the consumption of RabbitMQ. A painless way of using RabbitMQ.


Previously, the package could be used with Laravel, Laravel Zero, Lumen out of the box. From v2, the Laravel support has been removed. If you are looking for implementation with Laravel, you can use anik/laravel-amqp. If you were using this package with Laravel, and you want to upgrade to Laravel 9, please consider using anik/amqp-to-laravel-amqp if you want to migrate to anik/laravel-amqp later.


Checkout the repository for example.


  • PHP ^7.2 | ^8.0
  • PHP-AMQPLib ^3.0


To install the package, run

composer require anik/amqp


For V1:


To create an AMQP Connection, you can use

  • Anik\Amqp\AmqpConnectionFactory::make
  • Anik\Amqp\AmqpConnectionFactory::makeFromArray

use Anik\Amqp\AmqpConnectionFactory;
use PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AMQPLazySSLConnection;

$host = '';
$port = 5672;
$user = 'user';
$password = 'password';
$vhost = '/';
$options = []; // options to be proxied to the amqp connection class
$ofClass = AMQPLazySSLConnection::class;

$connection = AmqpConnectionFactory::make($host, $port, $user, $password, $vhost, $options, $ofClass);
$hosts = [
        'host' => $host,
        'port' => $port,
        'user' => $user,
        'password' => $password,
        'vhost' => $vhost,
        'host' => $host,
        'port' => $port,
        'user' => $user,
        'password' => $password,
        'vhost' => $vhost,

// With AmqpConnectionFactory::makeFromArray method, you can try to connect to multiple host
$connection = AmqpConnectionFactory::makeFromArray($hosts, $options, $ofClass);


Also, there are four specific exchange classes.

  • Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Direct for direct exchange.
  • Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Fanout for fanout exchange.
  • Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Headers for headers exchange.
  • Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Topic for topic exchange.

You can still use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange base class to create your own exchange.

To instantiate an exchange, you can do like


use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange;
use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Fanout;
use Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Topic;

$exchange = new Exchange('', Exchange::TYPE_DIRECT);

$exchange = Exchange::make(['name' => '', 'type' => Exchange::TYPE_DIRECT]);

$exchange = new Topic('');

$exchange = Fanout::make(['name' => '']);

When creating an exchange instance with

  • Exchange::make - name and type keys must be present in the given array.
  • Topic::make Fanout::make Headers::make Direct::make - name key must be present in the given array.

Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange contains a few predefined exchange types, you can use them as reference.

  • TYPE_DIRECT for direct type.
  • TYPE_TOPIC for topic type.
  • TYPE_FANOUT for fanout type.
  • TYPE_HEADERS for headers type.

The Exchange::make method also accepts the following keys when making an exchange instance.

  • declare Type: bool. Default: false. If you want to declare the exchange.
  • passive Type: bool. Default: false. If the exchange is passive.
  • durable Type: bool. Default: true. If the exchange is durable.
  • auto_delete Type: bool. Default: false. If the exchange should auto delete.
  • internal Type: bool. Default: false. If the exchange is internal.
  • no_wait Type: bool. Default: false. If the client should not wait for the server's reply.
  • arguments Type: array. Default: [].
  • ticket Type: null | integer. Default: null.

You can also reconfigure the exchange instance using $exchange->reconfigure($options). The $options array accepts the above keys as well.

Also, you can use the following methods to configure your exchange instance.

  • setName - Accepts: string. The only way to change exchange name after instantiation.
  • setDeclare - Accepts: bool.
  • setType - Accepts: bool.
  • setPassive - Accepts: bool.
  • setDurable - Accepts: bool.
  • setAutoDelete - Accepts: bool.
  • setInternal - Accepts: bool.
  • setNowait - Accepts: bool.
  • setArguments - Accepts: array.
  • setTicket - Accepts: null | integer.


To instantiate a queue, you can do like


use Anik\Amqp\Queues\Queue;

$queue = new Queue('');

$queue = Queue::make(['name' => '']);

When creating a queue instance with

  • Queue::make - name keys must be present in the given array.

The Queue::make method also accepts the following keys when making a queue instance.

  • declare Type: bool. Default: false. If you want to declare the queue.
  • passive Type: bool. Default: false. If the queue is passive.
  • durable Type: bool. Default: true. If the queue is durable.
  • exclusive Type: bool. Default: false. If the queue is exclusive.
  • auto_delete Type: bool. Default: false. If the queue should auto delete.
  • no_wait Type: bool. Default: false. If the client should not wait for the server's reply.
  • arguments Type: array. Default: [].
  • ticket Type: null | integer. Default: null.

You can also reconfigure the queue instance using $queue->reconfigure($options). The $options array accepts the above keys as well.

Also, you can use the following methods to configure your queue instance.

  • setName - Accepts: string. The only way to change queue name after instantiation.
  • setDeclare - Accepts: bool.
  • setType - Accepts: bool.
  • setPassive - Accepts: bool.
  • setDurable - Accepts: bool.
  • setExclusive - Accepts: bool.
  • setAutoDelete - Accepts: bool.
  • setNowait - Accepts: bool.
  • setArguments - Accepts: array.
  • setTicket - Accepts: null | integer.


To instantiate a Qos, you can do like


use Anik\Amqp\Qos\Qos;

$prefetchSize = 0;
$prefetchCount = 0;
$global = false;

$qos = new Qos($prefetchSize, $prefetchCount, $global);

$qos = Queue::make(['prefetch_size' => $prefetchSize, 'prefetch_count' => $prefetchCount, 'global' => $global]);

The Qos::make method also accepts the following key when making a qos instance.

  • prefetch_size Type: int. Default: 0.
  • prefetch_count Type: int. Default: 0.
  • global Type: bool. Default: true.

You can also reconfigure the qos instance using $qos->reconfigure($options). The $options array accepts the above keys as well.

Also, you can use the following methods to configure your qos instance.

  • setPrefetchCount - Accepts: int.
  • setPrefetchSize - Accepts: int.
  • setGlobal - Accepts: bool.

Publish/Produce message

To produce/publish messages, you'll need the Anik\Amqp\Producer instance. To instantiate the class


use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

$producer = new Producer($connection, $channel);

The constructor accepts

  • $connection Type: PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AbstractConnection. Required.
  • $channel Type: null | PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel. Optional.

If $channel is not provided or null, class uses the channel from the $connection.

Once the producer class is instantiated, you can set a channel with setChannel. Method accepts PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel instance.

There are three ways to publish messages

Bulk Publish

Producer::publishBatch - to publish multiple messages in bulk.


use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

(new Producer($connection))->publishBatch($messages, $routingKey, $exchange, $options);
  • $messages Type: Anik\Amqp\Producible[]. If any of the message is not the type of Producible interface, it'll throw error.
  • $routingKey Type: string. Routing key. Default '' (empty string).
  • $exchange Type: null | Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange.
  • $options Type: array. Runtime configuration.
    • Key exchange - Accepts: array.
      • If you pass null as $exchange, then you must provide a valid configuration through this key to create an exchange under the hood. If you pass $exchange with Exchange instance and $options['exchange'], exchange instance will be reconfigured accordingly with the values available in $options['exchange']. Keys are same as Exchange::make's $options.
    • Key publish - Accepts: array.
      • Key mandatory Default false.
      • Key immediate Default false.
      • Key ticket Default null.
      • Key batch_count. Default: 500. To make a batch of X messages before publishing a batch.


Producer::publish - to publish a single message. Uses Producer::publishBatch under the hood.


use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

(new Producer($connection))->publish($message, $routingKey, $exchange, $options);
  • $message Type: Anik\Amqp\Producible.
  • $routingKey Type: string. Routing key. Default '' (empty string).
  • $exchange Type: null | Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange.
  • $options Type: array. Runtime configuration.
    • Key exchange - Accepts: array.
      • If you pass null as $exchange, then you must provide a valid configuration through this key to create an exchange under the hood. If you pass $exchange with Exchange instance and $options['exchange'], exchange instance will be reconfigured accordingly with the values available in $options['exchange']. Keys are same as Exchange::make's $options.
    • Key publish - Accepts: array.
      • Key mandatory Default false.
      • Key immediate Default false.
      • Key ticket Default null.

Publish Basic

Producer::publishBasic - to publish a single message using AMQPChannel::basic_publish method.


use Anik\Amqp\Producer;

(new Producer($connection))->publishBasic($message, $routingKey, $exchange, $options);
  • $message Type: Anik\Amqp\Producible.
  • $routingKey Type: string. Routing key. Default '' (empty string).
  • $exchange Type: null | Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange.
  • $options Type: array. Runtime configuration.
    • Key exchange - Accepts: array.
      • If you pass null as $exchange, then you must provide a valid configuration through this key to create an exchange under the hood. If you pass $exchange with Exchange instance and $options['exchange'], exchange instance will be reconfigured accordingly with the values available in $options['exchange']. Keys are same as Exchange::make's $options.
    • Key publish - Accepts: array.
      • Key mandatory Default false.
      • Key immediate Default false.
      • Key ticket Default null.

ProducibleMessage: Implementation of Producible Interface

The package comes with Anik\Amqp\ProducibleMessage, a generic implementation of Anik\Amqp\Producible interface.

You can instantiate the class like


use Anik\Amqp\ProducibleMessage;
use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;
use PhpAmqpLib\Wire\AMQPTable;

$msg = new ProducibleMessage('take my message to rabbitmq');

$msg = new ProducibleMessage('take my message to rabbitmq', [
    'delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,

$msg = (new ProducibleMessage())->setMessage('take my message to rabbitmq')->setProperties([
    'delivery_mode' => AMQPMessage::DELIVERY_MODE_PERSISTENT,
    'application_headers' => new AMQPTable(['key' => 'value']),


To consume messages, you'll need the Anik\Amqp\Consumer instance. To instantiate the class


use Anik\Amqp\Consumer;

$consumer = new Consumer($connection, $channel, $options);

The constructor accepts

  • $connection Type: PhpAmqpLib\Connection\AbstractConnection. Required.
  • $channel Type: null | PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel. Optional.
  • $options Type: array. Optional. Configurations for consumer.
    • tag Type: string. Default sprintf("anik.amqp_consumer_%s_%s", gethostname(), getmypid()). To set consumer tag.
    • no_local Type: bool. Default false.
    • no_ack Type: bool. Default false.
    • exclusive Type: bool. Default false.
    • no_wait Type: bool. Default false.
    • arguments Type: bool. Default [].
    • ticket Type: null | int. Default null.

If $channel is not provided or null, class uses the channel from the $connection.

Once the consumer class is instantiated, you can access the following methods.

  • setChannel - Accepts: PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel instance.
  • reconfigure - Accepts: array. To reconfigure the instance. Valid keys are same as constructor's options keys.
  • setConsumerTag - Accepts: string. Default sprintf("anik.amqp_consumer_%s_%s", gethostname(), getmypid()).
  • setNoLocal - Accepts: bool. Default false.
  • setNoAck - Accepts: bool. Default false.
  • setExclusive - Accepts: bool. Default false.
  • setNowait - Accepts: bool. Default false.
  • setArguments - Accepts: array. Default [].
  • setTicket - Accepts: null | int. Default null.

To consume messages,


use Anik\Amqp\Consumer;

(new Consumer($connection, $channel, $options))->consume($handler, $bindingKey, $exchange, $queue, $qos, $options);
  • $handler Type: Anik\Amqp\Consumable.
  • $bindingKey Type: string. Binding key. Default '' (empty string).
  • $exchange Type: null | Anik\Amqp\Exchanges\Exchange.
  • $queue Type: null | Anik\Amqp\Queues\Queue.
  • $qos Type: null | Anik\Amqp\Qos\Qos.
  • $options Type: array. Runtime configuration.
    • consumer - Accepts: array. Keys are same as Consumer::__construct's options.
    • exchange - Accepts: array. Keys are same as Exchange::make's options.
      • If you pass null as $exchange, then you must provide a valid configuration through this key to create an exchange under the hood. If you pass $exchange with Exchange instance and $options['exchange'], exchange instance will be reconfigured accordingly with the values available in $options['exchange'].
    • queue - Accepts: array. Keys are same as Queue::make's options.
      • If you pass null as $queue, then you must provide a valid configuration through this key to create a queue under the hood. If you pass $queue with Queue instance and $options['queue'], queue instance will be reconfigured accordingly with the values available in $options['queue'].
    • qos - Accepts: array. Keys are same as Qos::make's options.
      • If you pass $qos with Qos instance and $options['qos'], qos instance will be reconfigured accordingly. If $qos is null and $options['qos'] holds value, QoS will be applied to the channel. If $qos is null and $options['qos'] is not available, NO QoS WILL BE APPLIED TO THE CHANNEL
    • bind - Accepts: array. For binding queue to the exchange.
      • no_wait. Default false.
      • arguments. Default [].
      • ticket. Default null.
    • consume - Accepts: array. Following values are passed to the AMQPChannel::wait().
      • allowed_methods Default null.
      • non_blocking Default false.
      • timeout Default 0.

ConsumableMessage: Implementation of Consumable Interface

The package comes with Anik\Amqp\ConsumableMessage, a generic implementation of Anik\Amqp\Consumable interface.

You can instantiate the class like


use Anik\Amqp\ConsumableMessage;
// use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;

$msg = new ConsumableMessage(function (ConsumableMessage $message/*, AMQPMessage $original*/) {
    echo $message->getMessageBody() . PHP_EOL;
    echo $message->getRoutingKey() . PHP_EOL;
    // Alternatively, $original->ack();

     * Method: `decodeMessage` 
     * Returns:
     *      - `array` if message body contains valid json
     *      - `null` if json could not be decoded 

     * Method: `decodeMessageAsObject` 
     * Returns:
     *      - `\stdClass` if message body contains valid json
     *      - `null` if json could not be decoded 

NOTE: Calling any method on ConsumableMessage instance without setting AMQPMessage will throw exception.


If you find any issue/bug/missing feature, please submit an issue and PRs if possible.


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