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Last Updated: 2023-09-04 14:08:55

Get information on all the models in your Laravel project

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP

Get information about the models in your Laravel app

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Using this package you can determine which attributes and relations your model classes have.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

$modelInfo = ModelInfo::forModel(YourModel::class);

$modelInfo->fileName; // returns the filename that contains your model
$modelInfo->tableName; // returns the name of the table your models are stored in
$modelInfo->attributes; // returns a collection of `Attribute` objects
$modelInfo->relations; // returns a collection of `Relation` objects

Here's how you can get information about the attributes:

$modelInfo->attributes->first()->name; // returns the name of the first attribute
$modelInfo->attributes->first()->type; // returns the type of the first attribute (string, integer, ...)

Here's how you can get information about the relations

// returns the name of the first relation, eg. `author`

// returns the type of the
// first relation, eg. `BelongsTo`

// returns the related model of the
// first relation, eg. `App\Models\User`

Additionally, the package can also discover all the models in your application.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelFinder;

// returns a `Illuminate\Support\Collection` containing all
// the class names of all your models.
$models = ModelFinder::all(); 

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-model-info


You can get information about a model by calling forModel:

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

$modelInfo = ModelInfo::forModel(YourModel::class);

$modelInfo->fileName; // returns the filename that contains your model
$modelInfo->tableName; // returns the name of the table your models are stored in
$modelInfo->attributes; // returns a collection of `Attribute` objects
$modelInfo->relations; // returns a collection of `Relation` objects

octicon-info mr-2" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true">Note

This package discovers relationships by their return type. Make sure that, in all your models each method that returns a relation has a return type.

Getting a specific attribute

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

// returns an instance of `Spatie\ModelInfo\Attributes\Attribute`

Getting a specific relation

You can get a specific relation using the relation method.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

// returns an instance of `Spatie\ModelInfo\Relations\Relation`


A Spatie\ModelInfo\Attributes\Attribute object has these properties:

  • name
  • type
  • increments
  • nullable
  • default
  • unique
  • fillable
  • appended
  • cast
  • virtual


A Spatie\ModelInfo\Relations\Relation object has these properties:

  • name
  • type
  • related

It also has a relatedModelInfo() method that gives a ModelInfo instance for the related model.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

   ->relatedModelInfo() // returns the `ModelInfo` for the `User` model

Discovering all models in your application

Using this method we'll discover all methods in your project, no matter in which directory they are stored.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelFinder;

// returns a `Illuminate\Support\Collection` containing
// all the class names of all your models.
$models = ModelFinder::all(); 

Getting information on all model in your application

The ModelInfo class can get information about all models in your application.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

ModelInfo::forAllModels(); // returns a collection of `ModelInfo` instances

Adding extra info on a model

To add extra info on a model, add a method extraModelInfo to your model. It can return anything you want: an string, an object, an array.

// in your model

public function extraModelInfo()
    return 'anything you want';

The returned value will be available on the extra property of a ModelInfo instance.

use Spatie\ModelInfo\ModelInfo;

$modelInfo = ModelInfo::forModel(YourModel::class);

$modelInfo->extra; // returns 'anything you want'


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


This package contains code taken from the model:show command of Laravel.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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