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Last Updated: 2023-07-19 18:29:24

Cache that expires in the blink of an eye

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP

Cache that expires in the blink of an eye

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This package contains a class called Blink that can cache values. The cache only spans the length of a single request.

It can be used like this:

$blink = new Blink();

$blink->put('key', 'value');

$blink->get('key'); // Returns 'value'
$blink->get('prefix*'); // Returns an array of values whose keys start with 'prefix'

// once will only execute the given callable if the given key didn't exist yet
$expensiveFunction = function() {
   return rand();
$blink->once('random', $expensiveFunction); // returns random number
$blink->once('random', $expensiveFunction); // returns the same number

$blink->has('key'); // Returns true
$blink->has('prefix*'); // Returns true if the blink contains a key that starts with 'prefix'

// Specify a default value for when the specified key does not exist
$blink->get('non existing key', 'default') // Returns 'default'

$blink->put('anotherKey', 'anotherValue');

// Put multiple items in one go
$blink->put(['ringo' => 'drums', 'paul' => 'bass']);

$blink->all(); // Returns an array with all items

$blink->forget('key'); // Removes the item
$blink->forget('prefix*'); // Forget all items of which the key starts with 'prefix'

$blink->flush(); // Empty the entire blink

$blink->flushStartingWith('somekey'); // Remove all items whose keys start with "somekey"

$blink->increment('number'); // $blink->get('number') will return 1
$blink->increment('number'); // $blink->get('number') will return 2
$blink->increment('number', 3); // $blink->get('number') will return 5

// Blink implements ArrayAccess
$blink['key'] = 'value';
$blink['key']; // Returns 'value'
isset($blink['key']); // Returns true
unset($blink['key']); // Equivalent to removing the value

// Blink implements Countable
count($blink); // Returns 0
$blink->put('key', 'value');
count($blink); // Returns 1

If you want to use the same instance within the current request, you can use the static method global.

Blink::global()->put('key', 'value');

Blink::global()->get('key') // Returns 'value'

Read the usage section of this readme to learn the other methods.

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/blink


A Blink instance can just be newed up.

$blink = new \Spatie\Blink\Blink()

You can call the following methods on it:


 * Put a value in the blink cache.
 * @param string|array $name
 * @param string|int|null $value
 * @return $this
public function put($name, $value = null)


 * Get a value from the blink cache.
 * This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
 * @param string $name
 * @return null|string
public function get(string $name)


 * Determine if the blink cache has a value for the given name.
 * This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
public function has(string $name) : bool


 * Only if the given key is not present in the blink cache the callable will be executed.
 * The result of the callable will be stored in the given key and returned.
 * @param $key
 * @param callable $callable
 * @return mixed
public function once($key, callable $callable)


 * Use the "once" method only if the given condition is true.
 * Otherwise, the callable will be executed.
 * @param bool $shouldBlink
 * @param $key
 * @param callable
 * @return mixed
public function onceIf($shouldBlink, $key, callable $callable)


 * Get all values in the blink cache.
public function all() : array


 * Get all values from the blink cache which keys start with the given string.
 * @param string $startingWith
 * @return array
public function allStartingWith(string $startingWith = '') : array


 * Forget a value from the blink cache.
 * This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
 * @param string $key
 * @return $this
public function forget(string $key)


 * Flush all values from the blink cache.
 * @return $this
 public function flush()


 * Flush all values from the blink cache which keys start with the specified value.
 * @param string $startingWith
 * @return $this
 public function flushStartingWith(string $startingWith)


 * Get and forget a value from the blink cache.
 * This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
 * @param string $name
 * @return null|string
public function pull(string $name)


 * Increment a value from the blink cache.
 * @param string $name
 * @param int $by
 * @return int|null|string
 public function increment(string $name, int $by = 1)


 * Decrement a value from the blink cache.
 * @param string $name
 * @param int $by
 * @return int|null|string
 public function decrement(string $name, int $by = 1)


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you've found a bug regarding security please mail [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


We got the idea and the name for this package from Statamic's Blink helper. We reached out to them and got permission for using the blink name.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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