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Last Updated: 2023-07-30 17:18:03
Simple way to version (semantic versioning 2.0.0) your Symfony2/3/4/5/6 application
License: MIT License
Languages: PHP
Simple way to version your Symfony Flex application.
To have an environment variable in your Symfony application with the current version of the application for various needs:
(read the version from a VERSION file)GitRepositoryProvider
(git tag describe provider to automatically update the version by looking at git tags)RevisionProvider
(read the version from a REVISION file)InitialVersionProvider
(just returns the default initial version 0.1.0)Symfony Flex automates the installation process, just require the bundle in your application!
composer require shivas/versioning-bundle
The version is automatically available in your application.
# Twig template
{{ shivas_app_version }}
# Or get the version from the service
public function indexAction(VersionManagerInterface $manager)
$version = $manager->getVersion();
There are three available console commands. You only need to run the app:version:bump command when manually managing your version number.
# Display the application version status
bin/console app:version:status
# Display all available version providers
bin/console app:version:list-providers
# Manually bump the application version
bin/console app:version:bump
Providers are used to get a version string for your application. All versions should follow the SemVer 2.0.0 notation, with the exception that letter "v" or "V" may be prefixed, e.g. v1.0.0.
The recommended version provider is the GitRepositoryProvider
which only works when you have at least one TAG in your repository. Be sure that all of your TAGS are valid version numbers.
It's easy, write a class that implements the ProviderInterface
namespace App\Provider;
use Shivas\VersioningBundle\Provider\ProviderInterface;
class MyCustomProvider implements ProviderInterface
Add the provider to the container using your services file:
- { name: shivas_versioning.provider, alias: my_provider, priority: 0 }
<service id="App\Provider\MyCustomProvider">
<tag name="shivas_versioning.provider" alias="my_provider" priority="0" />
Please take a look at the priority attribute, it should be between 0 and 99 to keep the providers in the right order.
Ensure your provider is loaded correctly and supported:
bin/console app:version:list-providers
Registered version providers
============= ========================================================= ========== ===========
Alias Class Priority Supported
============= ========================================================= ========== ===========
version Shivas\VersioningBundle\Provider\VersionProvider 100 No
my_provider App\Provider\MyCustomProvider 0 Yes
git Shivas\VersioningBundle\Provider\GitRepositoryProvider -25 Yes
revision Shivas\VersioningBundle\Provider\RevisionProvider -50 No
init Shivas\VersioningBundle\Provider\InitialVersionProvider -75 Yes
============= ========================================================= ========== ===========
Version formatters are used to modify the version string to make it more readable. The default GitDescribeFormatter
works in the following fashion:
If you want to disable the default formatter, use the NullFormatter
# app/config/services.yaml
Shivas\VersioningBundle\Formatter\NullFormatter: ~
Shivas\VersioningBundle\Formatter\FormatterInterface: '@Shivas\VersioningBundle\Formatter\NullFormatter'
To customize the version format, write a class that implements the FormatterInterface
namespace App\Formatter;
use Shivas\VersioningBundle\Formatter\FormatterInterface;
class MyCustomFormatter implements FormatterInterface
Then alias the FormatterInterface
with your own:
# app/config/services.yaml
Shivas\VersioningBundle\Formatter\FormatterInterface: '@App\Formatter\MyCustomFormatter'
Add following to your recipe
namespace :deploy do
task :add_revision_file do
on roles(:app) do
within repo_path do
execute(:git, :'describe', :"--tags --long",
:"#{fetch(:branch)}", ">#{release_path}/REVISION")
# We get git describe --tags just after deploy:updating
after 'deploy:updating', 'deploy:add_revision_file'
Good luck versioning your project.
Contributions for different SCM's and etc are welcome, just submit a pull request.