Stars: 406
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Last Updated: 2023-01-27 05:43:42
A PHP port of alizain/ulid with some minor improvements.
License: MIT License
Languages: PHP
A PHP port of ulid/javascript with some minor improvements.
You can install the package via Composer.
composer require robinvdvleuten/ulid
use Ulid\Ulid;
$ulid = Ulid::generate();
echo (string) $ulid; // 01B8KYR6G8BC61CE8R6K2T16HY
// Or if you prefer a lowercased output
$ulid = Ulid::generate(true);
echo (string) $ulid; // 01b8kyr6g8bc61ce8r6k2t16hy
// If you need the timestamp from an ULID instance
$ulid = Ulid::generate();
echo $ulid->toTimestamp(); // 1561622862
// You can also generate a ULID for a specific UNIX-time in milliseconds
$ulid = Ulid::fromTimestamp(1593048767015);
// or with a lower cased output: $ulid = Ulid::fromTimestamp(1593048767015, true);
echo (string) $ulid; // 01EBMHP6H7TT1Q4B7CA018K5MQ
composer test
Please see the GitHub "Releases" page for more information on what has changed recently.
As it's just a simple port of JavaScript to PHP code. All credits should go to the original ULID specs.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.