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Faster test-driven development for CRUD feature in Laravel project.

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP

Laravel Simple CRUD Generator

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Need faster TDD in Laravel project? This is a simple CRUD generator complete with automated testing suite.


For installation instructions and usage, please take a look at the official documentation.

About this package

This package contains artisan make:crud commands to create a simple CRUD feature with test classes on our Laravel 5.5 (and later) application. This package is fairly simple, to boost test-driven development method on our laravel application.

With this package installed on local environment, we can use (e.g.) php artisan make:crud Vehicle command to generate some files :

  • App\Models\Vehicle.php eloquent model
  • xxx_create_vehicles_table.php migration file
  • VehicleController.php
  • index.blade.php and forms.blade.php view file in resources/views/vehicles directory
  • resources/lang/vehicle.php lang file
  • VehicleFactory.php model factory file
  • VehiclePolicy.php model policy file in app/Policies directory
  • ManageVehiclesTest.php feature test class in tests/Feature directory
  • VehicleTest.php unit test class in tests/Unit/Models directory
  • VehiclePolicyTest.php unit test class in tests/Unit/Policies directory

It will update some file :

  • Update routes/web.php to add vehicles resource route
  • Update app/providers/AuthServiceProvider.php to add Vehicle model Policy class in $policies property

It will also create this file if it not exists :

  • resources/lang/app.php lang file if it not exists
  • tests/BrowserKitTest.php base Feature TestCase class if it not exists

Main purpose

The main purpose of this package is for faster Test-driven Development, it generates model CRUD scaffolds complete with Testing Classes which will use Laravel Browserkit Testing package and PHPUnit.

How to install

For Laravel 8.x

# Get the package
$ composer require luthfi/simple-crud-generator:^2.0

For Laravel 5.6 to 7.x

# Get the package
$ composer require luthfi/simple-crud-generator:^1.0

For Laravel 5.5

To use this package on laravel 5.5, we need to add the package (with browserkit) within require-dev in composer.json file, like so :

# Install required package for laravel/browser-kit-testing
$ composer require symfony/css-selector:^3.0

# Get the package
$ composer require luthfi/simple-crud-generator 1.2.* --dev

The package will auto-discovered.

How to use

Just type in terminal $ php artisan make:crud ModelName command, it will create simple Laravel CRUD files of given model name completed with tests.

For example we want to create CRUD for 'App\Models\Vehicle' model.

$ php artisan make:crud-simple Vehicle

Vehicle resource route generated on routes/web.php.
Vehicle model generated.
Vehicle table migration generated.
VehicleController generated.
Vehicle index view file generated.
Vehicle form view file generated.
lang/app.php generated.
vehicle lang files generated.
Vehicle model factory generated.
Vehicle model policy generated.
AuthServiceProvider class has been updated.
BrowserKitTest generated.
ManageVehiclesTest generated.
VehicleTest (model) generated.
VehiclePolicyTest (model policy) generated.
CRUD files generated successfully!

Make sure we have set database credential on .env file, then :

$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan serve

Then visit our application url: http://localhost:8000/vehicles.

Usage on Fresh Install Laravel 8.x

In this example, we are using the laravel installer package to install new laravel project.

# This is example commands for Ubuntu users.
$ laravel new project-directory
$ cd project-directory
$ composer require laravel/ui
$ php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
$ npm install && npm run dev # Might need to run twice, minimum requirement: NodeJS v12.x
$ vim .env # Edit your .env file to update database configuration

# Install the package
$ composer require luthfi/simple-crud-generator:^2.0

# I really suggest "git commit" your project right before you run the make:crud command
$ php artisan make:crud Vehicle # Model name in singular

$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan serve
# Visit your route
# Register as a new user
# Visit your route

# Run the unit tests
$ vim phpunit.xml # Remove comments on the DB_CONNECTION and DB_DATABASE lines
$ vendor/bin/phpunit

Available Commands

# Create Full CRUD feature with tests
$ php artisan make:crud ModelName

# Create Full CRUD feature with tests and Bootstrap 3 views
$ php artisan make:crud ModelName --bs3

# Create Simple CRUD feature with tests
$ php artisan make:crud-simple ModelName

# Create Simple CRUD feature with tests and Bootstrap 3 views
$ php artisan make:crud-simple ModelName --bs3

# Create API CRUD feature with tests
$ php artisan make:crud-api ModelName

Model Attribute/column

The Model and table will only have 2 pre-definded attributes or columns : title and description on each generated model and database table. You can continue working on other column on the table.

Bootstrap 4 Views

The generated view files use Bootstrap 4 by default (for Laravel 5.6 and later).

Bootstrap 3 Views

We can also generates views that use Bootstrap 3 with --bs3 command option, eg for Laravel version 5.5.


If we want to generate API Controller with feature tests, we use following command :

$ php artisan make:crud-api Vehicle

By default, we use Laravel Token Based Authentication, so we need to update our user model.

  1. Add api_token column on our users_table_migration.
  2. Add api_token as fillable property on User model.
  3. Add api_token field on our UserFactory.

API Usage

The generated API is a REST API, using GET and POST verbs, with a URI of /api/modelname.

Example code for calling the generated API, using Guzzle:

// Read data a specific Vehicle record...
$uri = ''.$vehicleID;
$headers = ['Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$apiToken];

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->request('GET', $uri, ['headers' => $headers]);

// Create a new Vehicle record...
$uri = '';
$headers = ['Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$apiToken];
$payload = json_encode([
    'title' => 'Vehicle Name 1',
    'description' => 'Vehicle Description 1',

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->request('POST', $uri, ['body' => $payload, 'headers' => $headers]);

The generated functional tests will give you examples of how to adapt this code for other call types.

Config file

You can configure your own by publishing the config file:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Luthfi\CrudGenerator\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

That will generate config/simple-crud.php file.

By default, this package have some configuration:


return [
    // The master view layout that generated views will extends
    'default_layout_view' => '',

    // The base test case class path for generated testing classes
    'base_test_path' => 'tests/BrowserKitTest.php',

    // The base test class full name
    'base_test_class' => 'Tests\BrowserKitTest',

Publishing Stub Files

Stub files is the templates which we use to generate the code for each model classes and files. We can customize the stub files as we needed by publishing them to our project directory.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Luthfi\CrudGenerator\ServiceProvider" --tag=stubs

That will generate stub files on stubs/simple-crud directory. Now we can change some stub files based on our project needs.


  • The package will creates the Model class file, the command will stop if the Model already exists.
  • You need a resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php view file, simply create one with php artisan make:auth command. You can change this configuration via the config/simple-crud.php file.


Visit your application in new resource route :

Generated CRUD page by Simple CRUD Generator

Generated testing suite

Next, let us try the generated testing suite. To use the generated testing classes, we can set the database environment using in-memory database SQLite. Open phpunit.xml. Add two lines below on the env :

    <!-- ..... -->
        <!-- ..... -->
        <server name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite"/>
        <server name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:"/>

Then run PHPUnit

$ vendor/bin/phpunit

All tests should be passed.

Generated Testing Suite on Simple CRUD Generator


If you find any issue, or want to propose some idea to help this package better, please create an issue in this github repo.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.