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Last Updated: 2023-06-23 21:48:44

PHP wrapper around the mediainfo command

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP

Php-MediaInfo Coverage Status Packagist Packagist Code Checks


PHP wrapper around the mediainfo command

Table of contents:


1 - Install mediainfo

You should install mediainfo:

On linux:

$ sudo apt-get install mediainfo

On Mac:

$ brew install mediainfo

2 - Integration in your php project

To use this library install it through Composer, run:

$ composer require mhor/php-mediainfo

How to use

Retrieve media information container

use Mhor\MediaInfo\MediaInfo;
$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

Get general information from media information container

$general = $mediaInfoContainer->getGeneral();

Get videos information from media information container

$videos = $mediaInfoContainer->getVideos();

foreach ($videos as $video) {
    // ... do something

Get audios information from media information container

$audios = $mediaInfoContainer->getAudios();

foreach ($audios as $audio) {
    // ... do something

Get subtitles information from media information container

$subtitles = $mediaInfoContainer->getSubtitles();

foreach ($subtitles as $subtitle) {
    // ... do something

Get images information from media information container

$images = $mediaInfoContainer->getImages();

foreach ($images as $image) {
    // ... do something

Get menus information from media information container

$menus = $mediaInfoContainer->getMenus();

foreach ($menus as $menu) {
    // ... do something



require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Mhor\MediaInfo\MediaInfo;

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('./SampleVideo_1280x720_5mb.mkv');

echo "Videos channel: \n";
echo "=======================\n";
foreach ($mediaInfoContainer->getVideos() as $video) {
    if ($video->has('format')) {
        echo 'format: '.(string)$video->get('format')."\n";

    if ($video->has('height')) {
        echo 'height: '.$video->get('height')->getAbsoluteValue()."\n";

    echo "\n---------------------\n";

echo "Audios channel: \n";
echo "=======================\n";
foreach ($mediaInfoContainer->getAudios() as $audio) {
    $availableInfo = $audio->list();
    foreach ($availableInfo as $key) {
        echo $audio->get($key);
    echo "\n---------------------\n";

Ignore unknown types

By default, unknown type throw an error this, to avoid this behavior, you can do:

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('ignore_unknown_track_types', true);

$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

$others = $mediaInfoContainer->getOthers();
foreach ($others as $other) {
    // ... do something

Access to information

Get all information into an array

$informationArray = $general->get();

Get one information by field name

Field Name are in lower case separated by "_"

$oneInformation = $general->get('count_of_audio_streams');

Check if information exists

Field Name are in lower case separated by "_"

if ($general->has('count_of_audio_streams')) {
    echo $general->get('count_of_audio_streams');

List available information

$availableInfo = $general->list();
foreach ($availableInfo as $key) {
    echo $general->get($key);

Specials types


For field:

  • cover_data

Cover type will be applied


For fields:

  • duration
  • delay_relative_to_video
  • video0_delay
  • delay

Duration type will be applied


For fields:

  • overall_bit_rate_mode
  • overall_bit_rate
  • bit_rate_mode
  • compression_mode
  • codec
  • format
  • kind_of_stream
  • writing_library
  • id
  • format_settings_sbr
  • channel_positions
  • default
  • forced
  • delay_origin
  • scan_type
  • interlacement
  • scan_type
  • frame_rate_mode
  • format_settings_cabac
  • unique_id

Mode type will be applied


For fields:

  • channel_s
  • bit_rate
  • sampling_rate
  • bit_depth
  • width
  • nominal_bit_rate
  • format_settings_reframes
  • height
  • resolution
  • maximum_bit_rate

Rate type will be applied


For fields:

  • frame_rate

FloatRate type will be applied


For fields:

  • display_aspect_ratio
  • original_display_aspect_ratio

Ratio type will be applied


For fields:

  • file_size
  • stream_size

Size type will be applied


  • All date fields will be transformed into Datetime php object


Use custom mediainfo path

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('command', '/usr/local/bin/mediainfo');
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

Support old mediainfo version (<17.10)

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('use_oldxml_mediainfo_output_format', false);
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

Use url as filepath

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('');

MediaInfoContainer to JSON, Array or XML

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

$json = json_encode($mediaInfoContainer);
$array = $mediaInfoContainer->__toArray();
$xml = $mediaInfoContainer->__toXML();

Usage for WindowsOS

Download MediaInfo CLI from here. Extract zip-archive and place MediaInfo.exe somewhere. Use it:

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('command', 'C:\path\to\directory\MediaInfo.exe');
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

Urlencode Config

By default, MediaInfo tries to detect if a URL is already percent-encode and encodes the URL when it's not. Setting the 'urlencode' config setting to true forces MediaInfo to encode the URL despite the presence of percentage signs in the URL. This is for example required when using pre-signed URLs for AWS S3 objects.

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('urlencode', true);
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('');

This setting requires MediaInfo 20.03 minimum

Cover data

Recent versions of MediaInfo don't include cover data by default, without passing an additional flag. To include any available cover data, set the 'include_cover_data' config setting to true. See the cover type for details on retrieving the base64 encoded image from cover_data.

Originally this cover data was always included in the MediaInfo output, so this option is unnecessary for older versions. But around version 18 cover data was removed from the output by default, unless you also pass the --Cover_Data=base64 flag.

$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('include_cover_data', true);
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo('music.mp3');

$general = $mediaInfoContainer->getGeneral();
if ($general->has('cover_data')) {
    $attributeCover = $general->get('cover_data');
    $base64EncodedImage = $attributeCover->getBinaryCover();

Note: Older versions of MediaInfo will print the following error if passed this flag:

$ mediainfo ./music.mp3 -f --OUTPUT=OLDXML --Cover_Data=base64
Option not known

Override attribute checkers/types

This configuration allows you to customize the return values of attributes in php-mediainfo by creating custom checker and attribute classes. You can extend existing classes, override methods, and add additional functionality to provide more comprehensive or specialized information in the attribute objects returned by php-mediainfo.

  1. Create a new class that implements the AttributeCheckerInterface
class CustomDurationChecker extends \Mhor\MediaInfo\Checker\DurationChecker
    public function create($durations): \Mhor\MediaInfo\Attribute\Duration
        return new CustomDuration($durations[0]);

    public function getMembersFields(): array
        return [
  1. Create a new class that implements the AttributeInterface
class CustomDuration extends \Mhor\MediaInfo\Attribute\Duration
    public function getSeconds()
        return $this->getMilliseconds() / 1000;
  1. Set the new list of attribute checkers into the config
$mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
$mediaInfo->setConfig('attribute_checkers', [new CustomDurationChecker()]);
$mediaInfoContainer = $mediaInfo->getInfo(

foreach ($mediaInfoContainer->getAudios() as $audio) {
    echo $audio->get('duration')->getSeconds();

Symfony integration

Look at this bundle: MhorMediaInfoBunde

Codeigniter integration

Look at this to use composer with Codeigniter


See LICENSE for more information


See all