Stars: 144
Forks: 21
Pull Requests: 30
Issues: 44
Watchers: 8
Last Updated: 2023-08-09 02:51:18
WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It also optimizes your database tables.
Languages: PHP, JavaScript
Contributors: GamerZ
Donate link:
Tags: sweep, clean, cleanup, clean up, optimize, orphan, unused, duplicated, posts, post meta, comments, comment meta, users, user meta, terms, term meta, term relationships, revisions, auto drafts, transient, database, tables, oembed
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable tag: 1.1.8
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unused, orphaned and duplicated data in your WordPress. It also optimizes your database tables.
This plugin cleans up:
- Revisions
- Auto drafts
- Deleted comments
- Unapproved comments
- Spammed comments
- Deleted comments
- Orphaned post meta
- Orphaned comment meta
- Orphaned user meta
- Orphaned term meta
- Orphan term relationships
- Unused terms
- Duplicated post meta
- Duplicated comment meta
- Duplicated user meta
- Duplicated term meta
- Transient options
- Optimizes database tables
- oEmbed caches in post meta
This plugin uses proper WordPress delete functions as much as possible instead of running direct delete MySQL queries.
Following delete functions are used:
- wp_delete_post_revision()
- wp_delete_post()
- wp_delete_comment()
- delete_post_meta()
- delete_comment_meta()
- delete_user_meta()
- delete_term_meta()
- wp_remove_object_terms()
- wp_delete_term()
- delete_transient()
- delete_site_transient()
WP-Sweep WP REST API Endpoints
GET /wp-json/sweep/v1/count/<Name>
. Get the number of items that we will be sweeping.
GET /wp-json/sweep/v1/details/<Name>
. Get the details of the items that we will be sweeping.
DELETE /wp-json/sweep/v1/sweep/<Name>
. Runs sweep for that particular item.
WP-Sweep WP-CLI Commands
wp sweep --all
. Runs sweep for all items.
wp sweep <Name>
. Runs sweep for that particular item.
wp sweep <Name1> <Name2>
. Run sweep for the selected items.
WP-Sweep Available Items:
- revisions
- auto_drafts
- deleted_posts
- unapproved_comments
- spam_comments
- deleted_comments
- transient_options
- orphan_postmeta
- orphan_commentmeta
- orphan_usermeta
- orphan_termmeta
- orphan_term_relationships
- unused_terms
- duplicated_postmeta
- duplicated_commentmeta
- duplicated_usermeta
- duplicated_termmeta
- optimize_database
- oembed_postmeta
WP-Sweep is not compatible with the following plugins:
![Issue Count](
I spent most of my free time creating, updating, maintaining and supporting these plugins, if you really love my plugins and could spare me a couple of bucks, I will really appreciate it. If not feel free to use it without any obligations.
- FIXED: Added current_user_can() Check For AJAX Calls
- FIXED: Pass in default blank string to fix fatal error
- NEW: Re-org wp-sweep.php to inc/class-wpsweep.php
- NEW: Bump to WordPress 6.2
- NEW: Bump to WordPress 5.8
- FIXED: Replaced %_transient_% with %\_transient\_%. Escape _ in MySQL if not it is being used as a wildcard character. Props @janrenn.
- FIXED: Changed permissions check to
because update_plugins
will return false when DISALLOW_FILE_MODS=true.
- NEW: Changed permission check to
for better MultiSite compatibility.
- NEW: Bump min PHP version to 5.6.
- NEW:
- NEW: Added WP Rest API Endpoint support,
, sweep/v1/details/<Name>
, and sweep/v1/sweep/<Name>
- FIXED: Follow as close as possible to WordPress Coding Standards
- NEW: Bump to WordPress 4.9
- NEW: Update README to incompatible plugins
- FIXED: Invalid plugin head 'This plugin has an invalid header.'
- NEW: Support for Codeclimate
- FIXES: Uses
on WordPress 4.6. This should fix deprecated notices.
- FIXES: Fixes translation placeholder count. Props @pedro-mendonca.
- FIXES: Use
capability as it conflicts with Admin Menu Editor on multisite installs. Props @EusebiuOprinoiu.
- NEW: Added wp_sweep_excluded_taxonomies filter to allow more than just link_category taxonomy
- NEW: Support for WP-CLI
wp sweep
- FIXES: Use custom query to delete Orphaned Term Relationship if wp_remove_object_terms() fails
- NEW: Delete 'languages' folder from the plugin
- NEW: Use to translate the plugin
- FIXED: Works only with WordPress 4.4 because of new term meta
- FIXED: apply_filters() wrong arguments
- NEW: oEmbed caches in post meta Sweep
- NEW: Add POT file for translators
- NEW: AJAX Sweep All
- NEW: AJAX Sweeping
- NEW: View details of sweep
- NEW: Optimize DB sweep
- NEW: User hint and confirmation. Props @SiamKreative
- FIXED: Division by zero. Pros @barisunver
- FIXED: Use term_id for wp_remove_object_terms()
- FIXED: number_format_i18n() issues after sweeping
- NEW: Moved plugin location to WP-Admin -> Tools -> Sweep
- NEW: Add Deleted Post Sweep
- FIXED: Use forced_delete for wp_delete_post() and wp_delete_comment();
- FIXED: If orphaned meta has an object id of 0, use SQL query to delete
- Upload
folder to the /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the
plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- You can access
via WP-Admin -> Tools -> Sweep
- WP-Sweep Administrator Page (Before Sweeping)
- WP-Sweep Administrator Page (Swept)
Coming soon ...