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Last Updated: 2023-06-21 07:51:07

Lag free asynchronous world editor for PMMP with plenty of options

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Languages: PHP

MagicWE2's awesome wide banner!


Lag free asynchronous world editor for PMMP

Try the new MagicWE, now way more powerful, with more support, more commands, new tools and more!

Poggit-CI PHPStan

Why MagicWE2?

Rainbow sprinkles!

Jokes aside, here is a list of pros:

  • Simple usage
  • Translations
  • Good performance and great speeds
  • Progress bars like on Windows 98!
  • Sessions
  • Clipboards
  • Optimized item / block parsing - you can place any block, by id, name, and item!
  • Alot more commands
  • Command auto-completion
  • Command flags (i.e. -p for relative copying/pasting, -h for hollow objects)
  • UI for brush setup and configuration
  • Fancy icon and optional startup ASCII art
  • Direct bug reporting to GitHub


Command Alias Description Usage
//pos1 //1 Select first position //pos1
//pos2 //2 Select second position //pos2
//set //fill Fill an area with the specified blocks //set <blocks:string> [flags:text]
//replace Replace blocks in an area with other blocks //replace <findblocks:string> <replaceblocks:string> [flags:text]
//copy Copy an area into a clipboard //copy [flags:text]
//paste Paste your clipboard //paste [flags:text]
//wand Gives you the selection wand //wand
//togglewand Toggle the wand tool on/off //togglewand
//undo Rolls back the last action //undo
//redo Applies the last undo action again //redo
//debug Gives you the debug stick, which gives information about the clicked block //debug
//toggledebug Toggle the debug stick on/off //toggledebug
//cylinder //cyl Create a cylinder //cylinder <blocks:string> <diameter:int> [height:int] [flags:text]
//count //analyze Count blocks in selection //count [blocks:string] [flags:text]
//help //?,//mwe,//wehelp MagicWE help command //help [command:string]
//version //ver MagicWE version //version
//info Information about MagicWE //info
//report //bug,//github Report a bug to GitHub //report [title:text]
//donate //support,//paypal Donate to support development of MagicWE! //donate
//brush Opens the brush tool menu //brush
//flood Opens the flood tool menu //flood

Planned features

  • Saved sessions (saved brushes and clipboards)
  • More commands, a glimpse at the plugin.yml should give you a good look what is coming up
  • Command based flags, since they are currently in a global state
  • Schematic and structure block data support
  • Clipboard naming, exporting and switching
  • ScoreboardAPI integration
  • Better and more brushes. For now i suggest using BlockSniper for brushes!
  • MyPlot integration

Fast updates

You have an urgent issue, your server is crashing or players mess with the world and start griefing?

Consider using //report to create a pre-filled GitHub issue!

Feel free to open issues, feature requests and criticism are welcome!

If you have an urgent issue, tag me on Twitter for faster response time: @xenialdan


  • "MagicWE2 has a new fresh coating over the plugin, with rainbow colored sprinkle topping!" ~ XenialDan, 2017

Foot notes


Readme last updated: 4th August 2019