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Last Updated: 2023-02-16 11:14:45
Easily decorate your method calls with laravel-decorator package
License: MIT License
Languages: PHP
Made with ❤️ for smart clean coders
composer require imanghafoori/laravel-decorator
❓A decorator is callable which wraps around the original decorated callable, in order to form a new callable composed of the previous two.
Like a python snake swallowing a deer whole and wraps around it's body !
After that the snake becomes capable to eat and digest grasses 🌿 because it has a deer inside it.
Technically, A "Decorator"
1- Is a "callable"
2- which takes an other "callable" (as it's only argument, like a snake swallows an other snake)
3- and returns a new "callable"
(which internally calls the original callable
, putting some code before and after it.)
What?!??! ???! (0_o)
" within laravel ?!Long story short, anything that can be called (invoked) with App::call();
or call_user_func()
like: 'MyClass@myMethod
' or a closure, [UserRepo::class, 'find']
Caching DB queries is always a need, but it is always annoying to add more code to the existing code. It will become more messy, we may break the current code, after all it adds a layer of fog. Yeah?
Imagine that you have a UserController
which calls a UserRepo@find
to get a $user
Then after a while you decide to put a cache layer between those two classes for obvious reasons.
According to SOLID principles, you shouldn't put the caching code logic neither in your controller nor your UserRepo. But somewhere in between.
In other words, you want to add a new feature (caching in this case) without modifing the existing code.
It smells like Open-closed Principle
Yeah?! 👃
You want to keep the responsibilities seperate. In this case caching
should not be in a repository or controller but in it's own class.
It smells like Single Responsibility Principle
yeah?! 👃
class UserRepository
function find($uid)
return User::find($uid);
class MadUsersController extends Controller
function show ($madUserId)
$madUser = app()->call('UserRepository@find', ['id' => $madUserId]);
ok now there is no cache, going on. it is a direct call.
With the help of laravel-decorator built-in cache decorator, you can go to AppServiceProvider.php
or any other service provider
use Imanghafoori\Decorator\Decorators\DecoratorFactory;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
$keyMaker = function ($madId) {
return 'mad_user_key_' . $madId;
$time = 10;
$decorator = DecoratorFactory::cache($keyMaker, $time);
\Decorator::decorate('UserRepository@find', $decorator);
You will get cached results from your calls, in your UserController
without touching it!
but rememnber to change:
app()->call('UserRepository@find', ...
// to :
app('decorator')->call('UserRepository@find', ...
public function boot ()
\Decorator::define('myDecoratorName1', 'SomeClass@someMethod');
// or
\Decorator::define('myDecoratorName2', function ($callable) {
return function (...) use ($callable){ ... }
Then you can use this name (myDecoratorName
) to decorate methods.
// You may set multiple decorators on a single method...
\Decorator::decorate('class@method, 'someClass@someOtherDecorator'); // (first)
// or reference the decorator by it's name :
\Decorator::decorate('class@method, 'myDecoratorName'); // (second)
First you should extend the Imanghafoori\Decorator\DecoratableFacade
class (instead of the laravel base Facade).
Then if you call your facade as normal you get decorated results.
With great power, comes great responsibilities.
Remember not to violate the Liskoves Substitution Principle
when you decorate something.
For example a method call which returns int|null
should not unexpectedly return a string
after being decorated.
$result = app('decorate')->call(...
Since the users of the method should be ready for type of value they get back.
But if you return only int
and your decorator causes the null
value to be filtered out. that's ok.
As always if you found this package useful and you want to encourage us to maintain and work on it, Please press the star button
to declare your willingness.
💎 A minimal yet powerful package to give you opportunity to refactor your controllers.
💎 A minimal yet powerful package to give a better structure and caching opportunity for your laravel apps.
💎 It allows you login with any password in local environment only.
💎 Authorization and ACL is now very easy with hey-man package!