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Issues: 16
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Last Updated: 2023-09-15 14:41:40
SQL optimizer and rewriter. - SQL 优化器、重写器(辅助 SQL 调优)。
License: MIT License
Languages: PHP
基于小米的 soar 开发的 SQL 优化器、重写器(辅助 SQL 调优)。
composer require guanguans/soar-php -vvv
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Guanguans\SoarPHP\Soar;
// 快速创建 soar 实例
$soar = Soar::create();
* 创建自定义 soar 实例
* 选项 @see examples/soar.options.example.php
$soar = Soar::create(
// 测试环境数据库配置.
'-test-dsn' => [
'host' => '',
'port' => '3306',
'dbname' => 'laravel',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'disable' => false,
// 日志输出位置 (default "soar.log").
'-log-output' => __DIR__.'/logs/soar.log',
// 优化建议输出格式,目前支持: json, text, markdown, html等 (default "markdown").
'-report-type' => 'json',
'自定义的 soar 路径'
// 最终运行: /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/bin/soar.darwin-amd64 '-version=true'
$soar->clone() // 克隆 soar,避免操作原始 soar 的选项。
->addVersion(true) // 添加 -version 选项的值为 `true`
->addVerbose(true) // 添加 -verbose 选项的值为 `true`
->removeVersion() // 移除 -version 选项
->setVersion(true) // 设置 -version 选项的值为 `true`
->mergeVersion(true) // 合并 -version 选项的值为 `true`
->onlyVersion() // 仅保留 -version 选项
->dump() // 打印调试信息
->run(); // 运行
// Fatal error: Uncaught Guanguans\SoarPHP\Exceptions\ProcessFailedException: The command "'/Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/bin/soar.darwin-amd64' '-report-type=json' '-query=select * from users;'" failed. Exit Code: 2(Misuse of shell builtins) Working directory: /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php Output: ================ Error Output: ================ panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x1938665] goroutine 1 [running]: pkg/mod/[email protected]/util/memory/meminfo.go:41 +0x65 pkg/mod/[email protected]/util/memory/meminfo.go:134 +0x175 in /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/src/Concerns/WithRunable.php:36 Stack trace: #0 /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/test.php(163): Guanguans\SoarPHP\Soar->run() #1 /User in /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/src/Concerns/WithRunable.php on line 36
$soar->setSudoPassword('your sudo password'); // 设置 sudo 密码,以 sudo 运行 soar 命令,避免出现上述错误。
$sqls = <<<'sql'
SELECT * FROM users;
SELECT DATE_FORMAT (t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d'),COUNT (DISTINCT ( FROM city t WHERE t.last_update> '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND LIKE '%Chrome%' AND'eip' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d');
DELETE city FROM city LEFT JOIN country ON city.country_id=country.country_id WHERE IS NULL;
UPDATE city INNER JOIN country ON city.country_id=country.country_id INNER JOIN address ON city.city_id=address.city_id SET'Abha',city.last_update='2006-02-15 04:45:25','Afghanistan' WHERE city.city_id=10;
INSERT INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country;
REPLACE INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country;
ALTER TABLE inventory ADD INDEX `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),ADD INDEX `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),ADD INDEX `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`);
DROP TABLE `users`;
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`email_verified_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`remember_token` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
array:9 [
0 => array:8 [
"ID" => "30AFCB1E1344BEBD"
"Fingerprint" => "select * from users"
"Score" => 80
"Sample" => "SELECT * FROM users"
"Explain" => array:1 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "EXP.000"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "Explain信息"
"Content" => """
| id | select\_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key\_len | ref | rows | filtered | scalability | Extra |\n
| 1 | SIMPLE | *users* | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | ☠️ **100.00%** | ☠️ **O(n)** | NULL |\n
"Case" => """
### Explain信息解读\n
#### SelectType信息解读\n
* **SIMPLE**: 简单SELECT(不使用UNION或子查询等).\n
#### Type信息解读\n
* ☠️ **ALL**: 最坏的情况, 从头到尾全表扫描.\n
"Position" => 0
"HeuristicRules" => array:1 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "CLA.001"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "最外层 SELECT 未指定 WHERE 条件"
"Content" => "SELECT 语句没有 WHERE 子句,可能检查比预期更多的行(全表扫描)。对于 SELECT COUNT(*) 类型的请求如果不要求精度,建议使用 SHOW TABLE STATUS 或 EXPLAIN 替代。"
"Case" => "select id from tbl"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:1 [
0 => "`laravel`.`users`"
1 => array:8 [
"ID" => "23D3498A40F9900D"
"Fingerprint" => "select date_format (t.last_update,?),count (distinct ( from city t where t.last_update> ? and like ? and group by date_format(t.last_update,?) order by date_format(t.last_update,?)"
"Score" => 0
"Sample" => "SELECT DATE_FORMAT (t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d'),COUNT (DISTINCT ( FROM city t WHERE t.last_update> '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND LIKE '%Chrome%' AND'eip' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d')"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:7 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "ALI.001"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "建议使用 AS 关键字显示声明一个别名"
"Content" => "在列或表别名(如"tbl AS alias")中, 明确使用 AS 关键字比隐含别名(如"tbl alias")更易懂。"
"Case" => "select name from tbl t1 where id < 1000"
"Position" => 0
1 => array:6 [
"Item" => "ARG.001"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "不建议使用前项通配符查找"
"Content" => "例如 "%foo",查询参数有一个前项通配符的情况无法使用已有索引。"
"Case" => "select c1,c2,c3 from tbl where name like '%foo'"
"Position" => 0
2 => array:6 [
"Item" => "CLA.009"
"Severity" => "L2"
"Summary" => "ORDER BY 的条件为表达式"
"Content" => "当 ORDER BY 条件为表达式或函数时会使用到临时表,如果在未指定 WHERE 或 WHERE 条件返回的结果集较大时性能会很差。"
"Case" => "select description from film where title ='ACADEMY DINOSAUR' order by length-language_id;"
"Position" => 0
3 => array:6 [
"Item" => "CLA.010"
"Severity" => "L2"
"Summary" => "GROUP BY 的条件为表达式"
"Content" => "当 GROUP BY 条件为表达式或函数时会使用到临时表,如果在未指定 WHERE 或 WHERE 条件返回的结果集较大时性能会很差。"
"Case" => "select description from film where title ='ACADEMY DINOSAUR' GROUP BY length-language_id;"
"Position" => 0
4 => array:6 [
"Item" => "ERR.000"
"Severity" => "L8"
"Summary" => "No available MySQL environment, build-in sql parse failed: line 1 column 61 near "DISTINCT ( FROM city t WHERE t.last_update> '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND LIKE '%Chrome%' AND'eip' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d')" "
"Content" => "line 1 column 61 near "DISTINCT ( FROM city t WHERE t.last_update> '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND LIKE '%Chrome%' AND'eip' GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d') ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(t.last_update,'%Y-%m-%d')" "
"Case" => ""
"Position" => 0
5 => array:6 [
"Item" => "ERR.002"
"Severity" => "L8"
"Summary" => "MySQL execute failed"
"Content" => "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DISTINCT ( FROM city t WHERE t.last_update> '2018-10-22 00:00:00' AND t.' at line 1"
"Case" => ""
"Position" => 0
6 => array:6 [
"Item" => "KEY.008"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "ORDER BY 多个列但排序方向不同时可能无法使用索引"
"Content" => "在 MySQL 8.0 之前当 ORDER BY 多个列指定的排序方向不同时将无法使用已经建立的索引。"
"Case" => "SELECT * FROM tbl ORDER BY a DESC, b ASC;"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => null
2 => array:8 [
"ID" => "E759EFCE5B432198"
"Fingerprint" => "delete city from city left join country on city.country_id=country.country_id where is null"
"Score" => 80
"Sample" => "DELETE city FROM city LEFT JOIN country ON city.country_id=country.country_id WHERE IS NULL"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:2 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "JOI.007"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "不建议使用联表删除或更新"
"Content" => "当需要同时删除或更新多张表时建议使用简单语句,一条 SQL 只删除或更新一张表,尽量不要将多张表的操作在同一条语句。"
"Case" => "UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN hobby h ON = h.uid SET = 'pianoboy' WHERE h.hobby = 'piano';"
"Position" => 0
1 => array:6 [
"Item" => "SEC.003"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "使用DELETE/DROP/TRUNCATE等操作时注意备份"
"Content" => "在执行高危操作之前对数据进行备份是十分有必要的。"
"Case" => "delete from table where col = 'condition'"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:2 [
0 => "`laravel`.`city`"
1 => "`laravel`.`country`"
3 => array:8 [
"ID" => "67B0C3CE9FA26F37"
"Fingerprint" => "update city inner join country on city.country_id=country.country_id inner join address on city.city_id=address.city_id set,city.last_update=?, where city.city_id=?"
"Score" => 80
"Sample" => "UPDATE city INNER JOIN country ON city.country_id=country.country_id INNER JOIN address ON city.city_id=address.city_id SET'Abha',city.last_update='2006-02-15 04:45:25','Afghanistan' WHERE city.city_id=10"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:1 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "JOI.007"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "不建议使用联表删除或更新"
"Content" => "当需要同时删除或更新多张表时建议使用简单语句,一条 SQL 只删除或更新一张表,尽量不要将多张表的操作在同一条语句。"
"Case" => "UPDATE users u LEFT JOIN hobby h ON = h.uid SET = 'pianoboy' WHERE h.hobby = 'piano';"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:3 [
0 => "`laravel`.`address`"
1 => "`laravel`.`city`"
2 => "`laravel`.`country`"
4 => array:8 [
"ID" => "3656B13CC4F888E2"
"Fingerprint" => "insert into city (country_id) select country_id from country"
"Score" => 65
"Sample" => "INSERT INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:2 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "CLA.001"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "最外层 SELECT 未指定 WHERE 条件"
"Content" => "SELECT 语句没有 WHERE 子句,可能检查比预期更多的行(全表扫描)。对于 SELECT COUNT(*) 类型的请求如果不要求精度,建议使用 SHOW TABLE STATUS 或 EXPLAIN 替代。"
"Case" => "select id from tbl"
"Position" => 0
1 => array:6 [
"Item" => "LCK.001"
"Severity" => "L3"
"Summary" => "INSERT INTO xx SELECT 加锁粒度较大请谨慎"
"Content" => "INSERT INTO xx SELECT 加锁粒度较大请谨慎"
"Case" => "INSERT INTO tbl SELECT * FROM tbl2;"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:2 [
0 => "`laravel`.`city`"
1 => "`laravel`.`country`"
5 => array:8 [
"ID" => "E3DDA1A929236E72"
"Fingerprint" => "replace into city (country_id) select country_id from country"
"Score" => 65
"Sample" => "REPLACE INTO city (country_id) SELECT country_id FROM country"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:2 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "CLA.001"
"Severity" => "L4"
"Summary" => "最外层 SELECT 未指定 WHERE 条件"
"Content" => "SELECT 语句没有 WHERE 子句,可能检查比预期更多的行(全表扫描)。对于 SELECT COUNT(*) 类型的请求如果不要求精度,建议使用 SHOW TABLE STATUS 或 EXPLAIN 替代。"
"Case" => "select id from tbl"
"Position" => 0
1 => array:6 [
"Item" => "LCK.001"
"Severity" => "L3"
"Summary" => "INSERT INTO xx SELECT 加锁粒度较大请谨慎"
"Content" => "INSERT INTO xx SELECT 加锁粒度较大请谨慎"
"Case" => "INSERT INTO tbl SELECT * FROM tbl2;"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:2 [
0 => "`laravel`.`city`"
1 => "`laravel`.`country`"
6 => array:8 [
"ID" => "9BB74D074BA0727C"
"Fingerprint" => "alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`)"
"Score" => 100
"Sample" => "ALTER TABLE inventory ADD INDEX `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),ADD INDEX `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),ADD INDEX `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`)"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:1 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "KEY.004"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "提醒:请将索引属性顺序与查询对齐"
"Content" => "如果为列创建复合索引,请确保查询属性与索引属性的顺序相同,以便DBMS在处理查询时使用索引。如果查询和索引属性订单没有对齐,那么DBMS可能无法在查询处理期间使用索引。"
"Case" => "create index idx1 on tbl (last_name,first_name)"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:1 [
0 => "`laravel`.`inventory`"
7 => array:8 [
"ID" => "C77607894B4EFCC6"
"Fingerprint" => "drop table `users`"
"Score" => 100
"Sample" => "DROP TABLE `users`"
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:1 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "SEC.003"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "使用DELETE/DROP/TRUNCATE等操作时注意备份"
"Content" => "在执行高危操作之前对数据进行备份是十分有必要的。"
"Case" => "delete from table where col = 'condition'"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:1 [
0 => "`laravel`.`users`"
8 => array:8 [
"ID" => "D0870E395F2CA834"
"Fingerprint" => "create table `users` ( `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment, `name` varchar(?) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci not ?, `email` varchar(?) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci not ?, `email_verified_at` timestamp ? default ?, `password` varchar(?) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci not ?, `remember_token` varchar(?) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci default ?, `created_at` timestamp ? default ?, `updated_at` timestamp ? default ?, primary key (`id`), unique key `users_email_unique` (`email`) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4 collate=utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
"Score" => 75
"Sample" => """
CREATE TABLE `users` (\n
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n
`name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n
`email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n
`email_verified_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n
`password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,\n
`remember_token` varchar(100) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n
`created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n
`updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n
PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n
UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`)\n
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
"Explain" => null
"HeuristicRules" => array:7 [
0 => array:6 [
"Item" => "CLA.011"
"Severity" => "L1"
"Summary" => "建议为表添加注释"
"Content" => "为表添加注释能够使得表的意义更明确,从而为日后的维护带来极大的便利。"
"Position" => 0
1 => array:6 [
"Item" => "COL.004"
"Severity" => "L1"
"Summary" => "请为列添加默认值"
"Content" => "请为列添加默认值,如果是 ALTER 操作,请不要忘记将原字段的默认值写上。字段无默认值,当表较大时无法在线变更表结构。"
"Case" => "CREATE TABLE tbl (col int) ENGINE=InnoDB;"
"Position" => 0
2 => array:6 [
"Item" => "COL.005"
"Severity" => "L1"
"Summary" => "列未添加注释"
"Content" => "建议对表中每个列添加注释,来明确每个列在表中的含义及作用。"
"Case" => "CREATE TABLE tbl (col int) ENGINE=InnoDB;"
"Position" => 0
3 => array:6 [
"Item" => "COL.011"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "当需要唯一约束时才使用 NULL,仅当列不能有缺失值时才使用 NOT NULL"
"Content" => "NULL 和0是不同的,10乘以 NULL 还是 NULL。NULL 和空字符串是不一样的。将一个字符串和标准 SQL 中的 NULL 联合起来的结果还是 NULL。NULL 和 FALSE 也是不同的。AND、OR 和 NOT 这三个布尔操作如果涉及 NULL,其结果也让很多人感到困惑。当您将一列声明为 NOT NULL 时,也就是说这列中的每一个值都必须存在且是有意义的。使用 NULL 来表示任意类型不存在的空值。 当您将一列声明为 NOT NULL 时,也就是说这列中的每一个值都必须存在且是有意义的。"
"Case" => "select c1,c2,c3 from tbl where c4 is null or c4 <> 1"
"Position" => 49
4 => array:6 [
"Item" => "KWR.003"
"Severity" => "L1"
"Summary" => "不建议使用复数做列名或表名"
"Content" => "表名应该仅仅表示表里面的实体内容,不应该表示实体数量,对应于 DO 类名也是单数形式,符合表达习惯。"
"Case" => "CREATE TABLE tbl ( `books` int )"
"Position" => 0
5 => array:6 [
"Item" => "SEC.002"
"Severity" => "L0"
"Summary" => "不使用明文存储密码"
"Content" => "使用明文存储密码或者使用明文在网络上传递密码都是不安全的。如果攻击者能够截获您用来插入密码的SQL语句,他们就能直接读到密码。另外,将用户输入的字符串以明文的形式插入到纯SQL语句中,也会让攻击者发现它。如果您能够读取密码,黑客也可以。解决方案是使用单向哈希函数对原始密码进行加密编码。哈希是指将输入字符串转化成另一个新的、不可识别的字符串的函数。对密码加密表达式加点随机串来防御“字典攻击”。不要将明文密码输入到SQL查询语句中。在应用程序代码中计算哈希串,只在SQL查询中使用哈希串。"
"Case" => "create table test(id int,name varchar(20) not null,password varchar(200)not null)"
"Position" => 0
6 => array:6 [
"Item" => "STA.003"
"Severity" => "L1"
"Summary" => "索引起名不规范"
"Content" => "建议普通二级索引以idx_为前缀,唯一索引以uk_为前缀。"
"Case" => "select col from now where type!=0"
"Position" => 0
"IndexRules" => null
"Tables" => array:1 [
0 => "`laravel`.`users`"
Usage of /Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/soar-php/bin/soar.darwin-amd64:
-allow-charsets string
AllowCharsets (default "utf8,utf8mb4")
-allow-collates string
AllowDropIndex, 允许输出删除重复索引的建议
-allow-engines string
AllowEngines (default "innodb")
AllowOnlineAsTest, 允许线上环境也可以当作测试环境
-blacklist string
指定 blacklist 配置文件的位置,文件中的 SQL 不会被评审。一行一条SQL,可以是指纹,也可以是正则
Check configs
-column-not-allow-type string
ColumnNotAllowType (default "boolean")
-config string
Config file path
-delimiter string
Delimiter, SQL分隔符 (default ";")
DropTestTemporary, 是否清理测试环境产生的临时库表 (default true)
是否在预演环境执行 (default true)
Explain, 是否开启Explain执行计划分析 (default true)
-explain-format string
ExplainFormat [json, traditional] (default "traditional")
-explain-max-filtered float
ExplainMaxFiltered, filtered大于该配置给出警告 (default 100)
-explain-max-keys int
ExplainMaxKeyLength, 最大key_len (default 3)
-explain-max-rows int
ExplainMaxRows, 最大扫描行数警告 (default 10000)
-explain-min-keys int
ExplainMinPossibleKeys, 最小possible_keys警告
-explain-sql-report-type string
ExplainSQLReportType [pretty, sample, fingerprint] (default "pretty")
-explain-type string
ExplainType [extended, partitions, traditional] (default "extended")
-explain-warn-access-type string
ExplainWarnAccessType, 哪些access type不建议使用 (default "ALL")
-explain-warn-extra string
ExplainWarnExtra, 哪些extra信息会给警告 (default "Using temporary,Using filesort")
-explain-warn-scalability string
ExplainWarnScalability, 复杂度警告名单, 支持O(n),O(log n),O(1),O(?) (default "O(n)")
-explain-warn-select-type string
ExplainWarnSelectType, 哪些select_type不建议使用
-ignore-rules string
IgnoreRules, 忽略的优化建议规则 (default "COL.011")
-index-prefix string
IdxPrefix (default "idx_")
ListHeuristicRules, 打印支持的评审规则列表
ListReportTypes, 打印支持的报告输出类型
ListRewriteRules, 打印支持的重写规则列表
ListTestSqls, 打印测试case用于测试
-log-level int
LogLevel, 日志级别, [0:Emergency, 1:Alert, 2:Critical, 3:Error, 4:Warning, 5:Notice, 6:Informational, 7:Debug] (default 3)
-log-output string
LogOutput, 日志输出位置 (default "soar.log")
log stack traces for errors
-log_rotate_max_size uint
size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
-markdown-extensions int
MarkdownExtensions, markdown 转 html支持的扩展包, 参考blackfriday (default 94)
-markdown-html-flags int
MarkdownHTMLFlags, markdown 转 html 支持的 flag, 参考blackfriday
-max-column-count int
MaxColCount, 单表允许的最大列数 (default 40)
-max-distinct-count int
MaxDistinctCount, 单条 SQL 中 Distinct 的最大数量 (default 5)
-max-group-by-cols-count int
MaxGroupByColsCount, 单条 SQL 中 GroupBy 包含列的最大数量 (default 5)
-max-in-count int
MaxInCount, IN()最大数量 (default 10)
-max-index-bytes int
MaxIdxBytes, 索引总长度限制 (default 3072)
-max-index-bytes-percolumn int
MaxIdxBytesPerColumn, 索引中单列最大字节数 (default 767)
-max-index-cols-count int
MaxIdxColsCount, 复合索引中包含列的最大数量 (default 5)
-max-index-count int
MaxIdxCount, 单表最大索引个数 (default 10)
-max-join-table-count int
MaxJoinTableCount, 单条 SQL 中 JOIN 表的最大数量 (default 5)
-max-pretty-sql-length int
MaxPrettySQLLength, 超出该长度的SQL会转换成指纹输出 (default 1024)
-max-query-cost int
MaxQueryCost, last_query_cost 超过该值时将给予警告 (default 9999)
-max-subquery-depth int
MaxSubqueryDepth (default 5)
-max-text-cols-count int
MaxTextColsCount, 表中含有的 text/blob 列的最大数量 (default 2)
-max-total-rows uint
MaxTotalRows, 计算散粒度时,当数据行数大于MaxTotalRows即开启数据库保护模式,不计算散粒度 (default 9999999)
-max-value-count int
MaxValueCount, INSERT/REPLACE 单次批量写入允许的行数 (default 100)
-max-varchar-length int
MaxVarcharLength (default 1024)
-min-cardinality float
MinCardinality,索引列散粒度最低阈值,散粒度低于该值的列不添加索引,建议范围0.0 ~ 100.0
-online-dsn string
OnlineDSN, 线上环境数据库配置, username:********@tcp(ip:port)/schema (default "tcp/information_schema?timeout=3s&charset=utf8")
OnlySyntaxCheck, 只做语法检查不输出优化建议
Print configs
Profiling, 开启数据采样的情况下在测试环境执行Profile
-query string
待评审的 SQL 或 SQL 文件,如 SQL 中包含特殊字符建议使用文件名。
-report-css string
ReportCSS, 当 ReportType 为 html 格式时使用的 css 风格,如不指定会提供一个默认风格。CSS可以是本地文件,也可以是一个URL
-report-javascript string
ReportJavascript, 当 ReportType 为 html 格式时使用的javascript脚本,如不指定默认会加载SQL pretty 使用的 javascript。像CSS一样可以是本地文件,也可以是一个URL
-report-title string
ReportTitle, 当 ReportType 为 html 格式时,HTML 的 title (default "SQL优化分析报告")
-report-type string
ReportType, 优化建议输出格式,目前支持: json, text, markdown, html等 (default "markdown")
-rewrite-rules string
RewriteRules, 生效的重写规则 (default "delimiter,orderbynull,groupbyconst,dmlorderby,having,star2columns,insertcolumns,distinctstar")
Sampling, 数据采样开关
-sampling-condition string
SamplingCondition, 数据采样条件,如: WHERE xxx LIMIT xxx
-sampling-statistic-target int
SamplingStatisticTarget, 数据采样因子,对应 PostgreSQL 的 default_statistics_target (default 100)
-spaghetti-query-length int
SpaghettiQueryLength, SQL最大长度警告,超过该长度会给警告 (default 2048)
-test-dsn string
TestDSN, 测试环境数据库配置, username:********@tcp(ip:port)/schema (default "tcp/information_schema?timeout=3s&charset=utf8")
Trace, 开启数据采样的情况下在测试环境执行Trace
-unique-key-prefix string
UkPrefix (default "uk_")
Print version info
composer test
请参阅 CHANGELOG 获取最近有关更改的更多信息。
请参阅 CONTRIBUTING 有关详细信息。
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
kamly 🐛 |
Leslie Lau 🐛 |
D.J.Hwang 🤔 |
海彬 🐛 |
imcm 🤔 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
MIT 许可证(MIT)。有关更多信息,请参见协议文件。