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Last Updated: 2022-05-23 10:01:49

Pastebin for your photos

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Languages: PHP, Shell, CSS

About Mejiro

Mejiro is an easy-to-use PHP web app for instant photo publishing.


The Linux Photography book provides detailed information on using Mejiro. Get your copy at Google Play Store or Gumroad.


  • Simplicity Mejiro requires no installation, and it can be deployed on any web server with PHP.
  • Instant and easy photo publishing Upload photos, and Mejiro does the rest.
  • Responsive design Mejiro works well on mobile devices.
  • Pagination Mejiro automatically splits photo collection into pages. You can specify the desired number of photos per page.
  • Basic EXIF data The app extracts and displays basic EXIF info for each photo, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.
  • Display geographical coordinates on OpenStreetMap or Google Maps For geotagged photos, you can view their exact locations on OpenStreetMap.
  • Optional description text You can add a description to each photo by creating an accompanying .txt file. The app can also read and display descriptions from the photo's UserComment EXIF field.
  • Automatic language detection Mejiro automatically detects the browser language and picks the description text file with the appropriate language prefix.
  • Link to RAW For each photo in the JPEG format, you can upload the accompanying RAW file, and Mejiro automatically adds a link to it. This feature can be disabled.
  • Support for subfolders Photos inside the default photo directory can be organized into subfolders.
  • Access keys The application supports access keys for common actions.


  • A web server with PHP7 or higher (tested with Apache and lighttpd)
  • PHP libraries: GD, EXIF
  • Git (optional)

Installation and usage

  1. On Debian, Ubuntu, and Raspberry Pi, install Mejiro by running the following command as root: curl -sSL | bash. On other distributions, install the required packages and clone the project's Git repository using the command git clone as root. Alternatively, you can download the ZIP archive and extract it into the document root of the server.
  2. Open the config.php file in a text editor and edit settings.
  3. Put photos into the photos directory (.jpg, .jpeg, .JPG, and .JPEG as well as RAW files).
  4. Make the mejiro directory writable by the server by running chown www-data -R mejiro as root.
  5. Point the browser to (replace with the actual IP address or domain name of your server).

You can add descriptions to photos by creating accompanying .txt files. For example, to add a description to the F994362-R1-14-15.jpg photo, create the F994362-R1-14-15.txt file containing a short text. You can use HTML markup for formatting the text. To add description files in other languages, use the appropriate language prefix as follows: de-F994362-R1-14-15.txt (for German), ja-F994362-R1-14-15.txt (for Japanese), etc.

Run Mejiro in a container

  1. Install Podman and Buildah.
  2. Create a directory for your photos on the host machine.
  3. Switch to the mejiro directory and build an image using the ./ command.
  4. Run a container on port 8000: podman run -d --rm -p 8000:8000 -v /path/to/photos:/usr/src/mejiro/photos:rw mejiro (replace /path/to/photos with the actual path to the directory on the host containing photos).
  5. Point the browser to (replace with the actual IP address or domain name of the machine running the container).


Dmitri Popov ([email protected])


Mejiro is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 license.


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