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Last Updated: 2022-06-29 06:49:28
Laravel Seo package for Content writer/admin/web master who do not know programming but want to edit/update SEO tags from dashboard
License: MIT License
Languages: PHP, Blade
Laravel is becoming more and more popular and lots of web application are developing. In most of the web application there need some SEO work for their marketing purpose. There are some tools but those are not suitable for non programmer. Everything can be control via dashboard like Wordpress Yoast
"require": {
"digitaldream/laravel-seo-tools": "1.*"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SEO\SeoServiceProvider"
Please have a look to App\Policies\Seo folder. Adjust permission for seo settings routes.
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class="SEO\Database\Seeders\SeoTablesSeeder"
This will be usually inside your form.
if ($model->save()) {
\SEO\Seo::save($model, route('', $model->slug), [
'title' => $model->title,
'images' => [
Do not make your controller dirty. Do not worry follow this instruction
Now visit /seo/dashboard from your browser to see seo dashboard and settings
Target user of this tool is non programmer. So they can able to add/modify on page SEO tags and do some necessary action that can give full control how this page will be appear by Search Engine.
Everybody loves to share their page or content in social media. By using this tools you can able to manage how your page looks like in Facebook, Twitter and others and what image will be shown, which title and description are shown and many more.
Your application have many pages but not all of them for search engine. You can control this from your dashboard.
Also it can be set via programatically for example when a post is published it will automatically added to xml sitemap and will add necessary seo tags so search engine can understand its purpose and content.
For business or ecommerce we often see support email, telephone and some other extra information like their Facebook, Twitter account in google search. This can be done tags. To make this super simple there have few input field that you can easily fill and save.
Behind the scene everything will be done for you.
Sometimes web master need ftp or file access because they need to add some verification code into your site. Using this tools they can simply add this from dashboard. Like Google Verification code
Sitemap are the key to search engine. Search engine will crawl your website according to this. It will be created automatically for you. Also you can set pririty and change frequency of your page.
Web master sometimes need to have access to robot.txt and .htaccess. Now it can be done via dashboard. Although it requires expertise knowledge to modify this files.
Only way to inform search engine about your site or page is via Meta tags. There are many tags. Most common are already there. But you can able to create, edit or delete any of them. To add a meta tag you do not have to call programmer. You can do it from dashbarod.
This is simple. Isn't it?