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Last Updated: 2023-09-01 20:42:58

A phone number library for PHP

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP


A phone number library for PHP.

Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

This library is a thin wrapper around giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php, itself a port of Google's libphonenumber.

It provides an equivalent functionality, with the following implementation differences:

  • PhoneNumber is an immutable class; it can be safely passed around without having to worry about the risk for it to be changed;
  • PhoneNumber is not just a mere data container, but provides all the methods to parse, format and validate phone numbers; it transparently encapsulates PhoneNumberUtil.


This library is installable via Composer:

composer require brick/phonenumber


This library requires PHP 7.4 or later.

For PHP 7.1 support, use version 0.4. For PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 support, use version 0.1. Note that these PHP versions are EOL and not supported anymore. If you're still using one of these PHP versions, you should consider upgrading as soon as possible.

Project status & release process

While this library is still under development, it is well tested and should be stable enough to use in production environments.

The current releases are numbered 0.x.y. When a non-breaking change is introduced (adding new methods, optimizing existing code, etc.), y is incremented.

When a breaking change is introduced, a new 0.x version cycle is always started.

It is therefore safe to lock your project to a given release cycle, such as 0.5.*.

If you need to upgrade to a newer release cycle, check the release history for a list of changes introduced by each further 0.x.0 version.

Quick start

All the classes lie in the Brick\PhoneNumber namespace.

To obtain an instance of PhoneNumber, use the parse() method:

  • Using an international number: PhoneNumber::parse('+33123456789');
  • Using a national number and a country code: PhoneNumber::parse('01 23 45 67 89', 'FR');

Validating a number

The parse() method is quite permissive with numbers; it basically attempts to match a country code, and validates the length of the phone number for this country.

If a number is really malformed, it throws a PhoneNumberParseException:

use Brick\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumber;
use Brick\PhoneNumber\PhoneNumberParseException;

try {
    $number = PhoneNumber::parse('+333');
catch (PhoneNumberParseException $e) {
    // 'The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.'

In most cases, it is recommended to perform an extra step of validation with isValidNumber() or isPossibleNumber():

if (! $number->isPossibleNumber()) {
    // a more lenient and faster check than `isValidNumber()`

if (! $number->isValidNumber()) {
    // strict check relying on up-to-date metadata library

As a rule of thumb, do the following:

  • When the number comes from user input, do a full validation: parse() and catch PhoneNumberParseException, then call isValidNumber() (or isPossibleNumber() for a more lenient check) if no exception occurred;
  • When the number is later retrieved from your database, and has been validated before, you can just perform a blind parse().

Formatting a number

Basic formatting

You can use format() with constants from the PhoneNumberFormat class:

$number = PhoneNumber::parse('+41446681800');
$number->format(PhoneNumberFormat::E164); // +41446681800
$number->format(PhoneNumberFormat::INTERNATIONAL); // +41 44 668 18 00
$number->format(PhoneNumberFormat::NATIONAL); // 044 668 18 00
$number->format(PhoneNumberFormat::RFC3966); // tel:+41-44-668-18-00

Formatting to call from another country

You may want to present a phone number to an audience in a specific country, with the correct international prefix when required. This is what formatForCallingFrom() does:

$number = PhoneNumber::parse('+447123456789');
$number->formatForCallingFrom('GB'); // 07123 456789
$number->formatForCallingFrom('FR'); // 00 44 7123 456789
$number->formatForCallingFrom('US'); // 011 44 7123 456789

Number types

In certain cases, it is possible to know the type of a phone number (fixed line, mobile phone, etc.), using the getNumberType() method, which returns a constant from the PhoneNumberType class:

PhoneNumber::parse('+336123456789')->getNumberType(); // PhoneNumberType::MOBILE
PhoneNumber::parse('+33123456789')->getNumberType(); // PhoneNumberType::FIXED_LINE

If the type is unknown, the PhoneNumberType::UNKNOWN value is returned. Check the PhoneNumberType class for all possible values.

Number information

You can extract the following information from a phone number:

$number = PhoneNumber::parse('+447123456789');
echo $number->getRegionCode(); // GB
echo $number->getCountryCode(); // 44
echo $number->getNationalNumber(); // 7123456789

Example numbers

You can get an example number for a country code and an optional number type (defaults to fixed line). This can be useful to use as a placeholder in an input field, for example:

echo PhoneNumber::getExampleNumber('FR'); // +33123456789
echo PhoneNumber::getExampleNumber('FR', PhoneNumberType::MOBILE); // +33612345678

The return type of getExampleNumber() is a PhoneNumber instance, so you can format it as you like:

echo PhoneNumber::getExampleNumber('FR')->formatForCallingFrom('FR'); // 01 23 45 67 89

If no example phone number is available for the country code / number type combination, a PhoneNumberException is thrown.

Casting to string

Casting a PhoneNumber to string returns its E164 representation (+ followed by digits), so the following are equivalent:

(string) $phoneNumber

You can serialize a PhoneNumber to string, then recover it using parse() without a country code:

$phoneNumber = PhoneNumber::parse('02079834000', 'GB');
$phoneNumberAsString = (string) $phoneNumber; // +442079834000
$phoneNumber2 = PhoneNumber::parse($phoneNumberAsString);

$phoneNumber2->isEqualTo($phoneNumber); // true

Doctrine mappings

You can use PhoneNumber objects in your Doctrine entities using the brick/phonenumber-doctrine package.