

Stars: 105

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Last Updated: 2023-08-26 20:08:12

Manage your rental properties, units, applications, leases and tenants.

License: MIT License

Languages: CSS, PHP, HTML, JavaScript

Gitpod Ready-to-Code

Online Rental Property Manager (ORPM)

ORPM (Online rental property manager) screencast

Online rental property manager (ORPM) is a free open source app. It allows you to manage landlords, rental properties, units, applications, leases and tenants. Add all details related to the tenants, i.e. references, rental history, employment history and income overview.

ORPM was created using AppGini. So you can easily customize it to add/remove details or any extra functionality to fit your own requirements. ORPM is a responsive, multi-user web-based application that you can access from your PC, tablet, mobile or any other device.

⇩ Download the latest release (Changelog)


  • Manage applicants and tenants.
  • Add, search and manage applications and leases.
  • Manage applicants/tenants rental history, employment history and other references.
  • Manage landlords, properties, and units.
  • Reports (created by Summary Reports plugin for AppGini):
    • Applicants by status review how many new applicants vs. tenants vs. previous tenants do we have.
    • Applications/leases over time review the growth of leases and applications over time.
    • Applications/leases by property review the growth of demand for each property over time.
    • Leases by property over time review the growth of actual leases for each property over time.
    • Lease value by property over time check the monthly rental revenue for each property and its growth over time.
  • Efficient management of applications status through mass update of multiple applications.
  • Quickly view leases starting and ending each month through a calendar view -- also allows adding and editing (created by Calendar plugin for AppGini).

This application was created using AppGini, and therefore it shares the features of any AppGini application as well, including:

  • Responsive Bootstrap apps that work beautifully on any device.
  • Support for multiple users and user groups, with easy-to-configure per-table permissions.
  • Quick and advanced search.
  • Export your data to CSV to work on them in Excel or other spreadsheets.
  • Import already-existing data from CSV files through a powerful import wizard.

Disclaimer: AppGini itself is not an open source application, but: 1. applications generated by AppGini can be distributed as open source with any license of choice. 2. You don't need to install AppGini in order to use this app.


This is a PHP/MySQL web application that you run from a browser. You can install it either locally on your own PC, or to a web/intranet server.

1. Try the live demo

  • We provide a live demo with sample data here

  • You can access the demo as a guest user, with read-only access to data.

  • You can also access the demo using the following credentials:

    • Username: demo
    • Password: demo

    The above credentials allow browsing the sample data with read-only access, as well as adding new data, with full access (view, edit, delete). Data added through the demo account is automatically removed periodically to prevent cluttering the demo app.

2. Trying it out using Gitpod (requires a github account)

This application is ready to run within the Gitpod IDE. This will allow you to try the application out and develop it for your needs. All you will need is a web browser. Do not use this in production!!!

Launch private demo on Gitpod

The app would take a couple of minutes to launch. Afterwards, you'll see the welcome screen of the app in the right part of the window, where you can start the setup wizard. When prompted to enter the database name, database username and datatbase password, you should enter appgini for all.

Gitpod is intended for previewing the app only, and is not suitable for use in actual production environments.

3. Installing to a PC

System requirements

This application can be installed on Windows, Linux and MacOS. Before installing, you should have the following software set up and running:

  • A webserver (Apache, IIS, nginx, ... etc)
  • PHP 7.0 or higher.
  • MySQL 5.6 and above; or MariaDB 10 and above.

If you don't have the above software installed, we recommend installing Xampp latest version.

Installation steps

  1. Download the latest release as a zip file. (Click the Source code (zip) link down the page).

  2. Extract the contents of the zip file. Then copy the contents of the app folder into a folder inside your document root. For Xampp on Windows, this is usually C:\xampp\htdocs (more info about how to find your 'document root').

  3. In your web browser, go to: http://localhost/app-folder/ (change app-folder to the name of the folder inside your document root where you extracted the zip in step 2).

  4. You should now see the setup wizard in your browser. Just follow the steps!
    The setup wizard

4. Installing to a web/intranet server

System requirements

This application can be installed on both Windows and Linux servers. Before installing, make sure your server has the following software:

  • PHP 7.0 or higher
  • MySQL 5.6 and above; or MariaDB 10 and above.

Make sure your have access to a MySQL/MariaDB database. You might need to set up one in your server control panel. Please refer to your server documentation or the technical support staff for help on this if needed.

If your server has cPanel installed, here is a screencast explaining how to install your application using cPanel.

Installation steps

  1. Download the latest release as a zip file. (Click the Source code (zip) link down the page).

  2. Extract the contents of the zip file. Then upload the contents of the app folder to a folder inside your server document root. This might be a folder named public_html or /var/www/html or something else, based on how your server is set up (ask your server admin if you need help on that).

  3. In your web browser, visit (change above to the actual domain name or IP address of your server, and change app-folder to the name of the folder inside your document root where you uploaded the files in step 2).

  4. You should now see the setup wizard in your browser. Just follow the steps!


This application was created using AppGini. This means you can easily customize it by opening the included AXP project file in AppGini. Examples of possible customization you can do from there include:

You can also perform more advanced customization, like adding reports, changing validation rules, adding business logic, ... etc. through hooks. Please refer to the AppGini hooks documentation for more details.

Contributions to this project are always welcome :)


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