

Stars: 117

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Last Updated: 2022-05-11 20:44:25

This plugin has retired!

License: MIT License

Languages: PHP

This plugin has retired!

Nine years after its inception (in plugin-years, that's like 108 human years), it's time to retire this plugin. I've created a Craft 4 version to ease the transition, but no new development will be done, and no support given. It's time for you to start looking for/creating alternatives.

Mailchimp Subscribe plugin for Craft CMS 4.x

Mailchimp Subscribe for Craft is a plugin for working with Mailchimp audiences.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later.

Update notes

Updating from version 3.x to 4.x

This is a minimum effort upgrade to Craft 4, no changes.

Updating from version 2.x to 3.x

Too much, see the changelog for information.

Updating from version 1.x (Craft 2) to 2.x (Craft 3)

  • The plugin no longer is configurable from the control panel, you need to use a config file.
  • The plugin handle used in the action input has changed from mailchimpSubscribe to mailchimp-subscribe.
  • The redirect url now has to be hashed in the redirect input.


To install the plugin, either install it from the plugin store, or follow these instructions:

  1. Install with composer via composer require aelvan/mailchimp-subscribe from your project directory.
  2. Install the plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings → Plugins, or from the command line via ./craft install/plugin mailchimp-subscribe.
  3. Eat a banana and continue reading!


Mailchimp Subscribe must be configured by creating a file named mailchimp-subscribe.php in your Craft config folder (usually /config), and configure settings as needed.

apiKey [string]

Default: ''
The API key for your Mailchimp account. This setting is required.

audienceId [string]

Default: ''
The default audience ID you want users to subscribe to. You can also configure the audienceID by posting this through your forms (see below).

doubleOptIn [bool]

Default: true
Indicates if double opt-in should be used when subscribing. If enabled, users will receive an email to confirm their subscription before being added to the audience.

Example config file

return [
    'apiKey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-us2',
    'audienceId' => '7fw6eq98ca',
    'doubleOptIn' => true,

The plugin config also supports using different settings on a per-site basis. This works like Craft's general config does:

return [
    'apiKey' => [
        'siteHandleA' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-us2',
        'siteHandleB' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-us2',
    'audienceId' => [
        'siteHandleA' => '7fw6eq98ca',
        'siteHandleB' => '3fa8ew9fce',
    'doubleOptIn' => [
        'siteHandleA' => true,
        'siteHandleB' => false,


Mailchimp Subscribe let's you subscribe, unsubscribe and delete members to/from Mailchimp audiences.

Subscribing a member to an audience

In it's simplest form, you can subscribe a user with a simple form with just an email input field:

<form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="post">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/audience/subscribe">
    {% set subscribeResponse = mailchimpSubscribe is defined and mailchimpSubscribe.action == 'subscribe' ? mailchimpSubscribe : null %}
    {% if subscribeResponse %}
        {% if subscribeResponse.success %}
            <p>Subscribed successfully!</p>
        {% else %}
            <p>An error occured: {{ subscribeResponse.message }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

        <label for="emailInput"{% if subscribeResponse and subscribeResponse.errorCode=='1000' %} class="error"{% endif %}>
        <input id="emailInput" type="text" name="email" 
            {% if subscribeResponse and not subscribeResponse.success %}value="{{ ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>

    <input type="submit" name="" value="Subscribe"/>

If you want to redirect the user upon success, you can supply a redirect parameter (like you would in any craft front-end form). You can also set or override the audienceId directly from the form:

<form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="post">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ redirectInput('thankyou') }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/audience/subscribe">
    <input type="hidden" name="audienceId" value="1fr4ew09qv">
    {% set subscribeResponse = mailchimpSubscribe is defined and mailchimpSubscribe.action == 'subscribe' ? mailchimpSubscribe : null %}
    {% if subscribeResponse %}
        {% if not subscribeResponse.success %}
            <p>An error occured: {{ subscribeResponse.message }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

        <label for="emailInput"{% if subscribeResponse and subscribeResponse.errorCode=='1000' %} class="error"{% endif %}>
        <input id="emailInput" type="text" name="email" 
            {% if subscribeResponse and not subscribeResponse.success %}value="{{ ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>

    <input type="submit" name="" value="Subscribe"/>

You can also set email_type, merge_fields, interests, language, vip, marketing_permissions and tags as per the Mailchimp API documentation.

The following example shows all the options in play - obviously you should adapt this to your own needs:

<form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="post">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    {{ redirectInput('thankyou') }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/audience/subscribe">
    <input type="hidden" name="audienceId" value="2a34d0978q">

    <input type="hidden" name="email_type" value="text">
    <input type="hidden" name="language" value="no">
    <input type="hidden" name="vip" value="yes">
    {% set subscribeResponse = mailchimpSubscribe is defined and mailchimpSubscribe.action == 'subscribe' ? mailchimpSubscribe : null %}
    {% if subscribeResponse %}
        {% if not subscribeResponse.success %}
            <p>An error occured: {{ subscribeResponse.message }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

        <label for="emailInput"{% if subscribeResponse and subscribeResponse.errorCode=='1000' %} class="error"{% endif %}>
        <input id="emailInput" type="text" name="email" 
            {% if subscribeResponse and not subscribeResponse.success %}value="{{ ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>
        <label for="firstNameInput">First name:</label>
        <input id="firstNameInput" type="text" name="merge_fields[FNAME]" 
            {% if subscribeResponse and not subscribeResponse.success %}value="{{ subscribeResponse.values.FNAME ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>

        <label for="lastNameInput">Last name:</label>
        <input id="lastNameInput" type="text" name="merge_fields[LNAME]" 
            {% if subscribeResponse and not subscribeResponse.success %}value="{{ subscribeResponse.values.LNAME ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>

        <h4>Marketing permissions</h4>
        <input type="hidden" name="marketing_permissions" value="">
        <input type="checkbox" value="1c862d81f1" name="marketing_permissions[]">Weekly newsletter<br>
        <input type="checkbox" value="46712a192a" name="marketing_permissions[]">Special offers<br>
        <input type="checkbox" value="46acfd7a2b" name="marketing_permissions[]">Special offers from partners<br>
        <input type="hidden" value="" name="tags">
        <input type="checkbox" value="One tag" name="tags[]">One tag<br>
        <input type="checkbox" value="Two tag" name="tags[]">Two tag<br>
        <input type="checkbox" value="Three tag" name="tags[]">Three tag<br>
    {% set interestGroups = craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getInterestGroups('2a34d0978q') %}

	{% if interestGroups and (interestGroups | length > 0) %}
		{% for group in interestGroups %}
                <h4>{{ group.title }}</h4>
                <input type="hidden" value="" name="interests[{{ group.title }}]">
                {% if group.type=='checkboxes' %}
                    {% for interest in group.interests %}
                        <input type="checkbox" value="{{ }}" name="interests[{{ group.title }}][]">{{ }}<br>
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
                {% if group.type=='radio' %}
                    {% for interest in group.interests %}
                        <input type="radio" value="{{ }}" name="interests[{{ group.title }}][]">{{ }}<br>
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
                {% if group.type=='dropdown' %}
                    <select name="interests[{{ group.title }}][]">
                        {% for interest in group.interests %}
                            <option value="{{ }}">{{ }}</option>
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
		{% endfor %}
	{% endif %}
    <input type="submit" name="" value="Subscribe"/>

Please note:

  • You can get the interests connected to a list with the template variable getInterestGroups, as shown in the example. Mailchimp lets you create different types of groups, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown, etc, but doesn't actually limit the add functionality to the groups depending on the type. You have to do this based on the group type.

  • If you want to override/reset any existing tags and marketing permissions, make sure you add the hidden inputs as shown above. Omit it if you want tags to be append only.

  • For more information about marketing permissions, see the GDPR section below.

  • You will not get an error message if you submit an email address that's already subscribed to your audience – this is intended behavior. If you want to check if an email is already in your audience, you can use the template variable craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getMemberByEmail or the controller action mailchimp-subscribe/audience/get-member-by-email, and check if the response is null, or what the status of the member is.

Unsubscribing a member from an audience

You can subscribe a user by submitting the email address to the unsubscribe controller action:

<form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="post">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/audience/unsubscribe">

    {% set unsubscribeResponse = mailchimpSubscribe is defined and mailchimpSubscribe.action == 'unsubscribe' ? mailchimpSubscribe : null %}

    {% if unsubscribeResponse %}
        {% if unsubscribeResponse.success %}
            <p>Unsubscribed successfully!</p>
        {% else %}
            <p>An error occured: {{ unsubscribeResponse.message }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    <div class="field-line">
        <label for="emailInput"{% if unsubscribeResponse and unsubscribeResponse.errorCode=='1000' %} class="error"{% endif %}>
        <input id="emailInput" type="text" name="email" 
            {% if unsubscribeResponse and not unsubscribeResponse.success %}value="{{ ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>

    <input type="submit" name="" value="Unsubscribe"/>

Deleting a member from an audience

You can delete a user by submitting the email address to the unsubscribe controller action:

<form class="newsletter-form" action="" method="post">
    {{ csrfInput() }}
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimp-subscribe/audience/delete">

    {% set deleteResponse = mailchimpSubscribe is defined and mailchimpSubscribe.action == 'delete' ? mailchimpSubscribe : null %}

    {% if deleteResponse %}
        {% if deleteResponse.success %}
            <p>Deleted successfully!</p>
        {% else %}
            <p>An error occured: {{ deleteResponse.message }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

        <label for="emailInput"{% if deleteResponse and deleteResponse.errorCode=='1000' %} class="error"{% endif %}>
        <input id="emailInput" type="text" name="email" 
            {% if deleteResponse and not deleteResponse.success %}value="{{ ?? '' }}"{% endif %}/>
        <label><input type="checkbox" name="permanent"/> Permanent</label>
    <input type="submit" name="" value="Delete"/>

The permanent parameter is optional, when enabled it creates a permanent/hard delete.

Differences between unsubscribe, delete and permanent/hard delete

When unsubscribing a user from an audience, the status of that member is set to unsubscribed. All information about the member will be kept in Mailchimp, the data can be queried, you can see it in the Mailchimp control panel, and the status can be changed back to subscribed at a later point.

When (soft) deleting a user, it's mostly the same as an unsubscribe, except the member will have an empty status and will not be visible in the Mailchimp control panel.

When permanently (hard) deleting a user, all personally identifiable information related to the member is deleted, and the member is removed from the audience. This is the GDPR-compliant way of removing a member if requested. This will make it impossible to re-import or re-subscribe the member at a later point, the member can only resubscribe through a Mailchimp hosted, GDPR-compliant subscribe form.

Get information about a member or an audience

If you need to get information about a member or an audience, you can use the craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getMemberByEmail and craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getAudienceById template variables, or the corresponding controller actions mailchimp-subscribe/audience/get-member-by-email and mailchimp-subscribe/audience/get-audience-by-id (see documentation below).

The returned data contains all the information directly from the Mailchimp API, as documented in the API documentation for members and audiences.

In the previous versions of Mailchimp Subscribe, there were template variables for checkIfInList and checkIfSubscribed. These are now deprecated, you should instead get member information and check the status of the member.

GDPR and marketing permissions

At the time of writing this (june 2019) it's still unclear if subscribing through the API is considered GDPR compliant by Mailchimp, so it's probably safest to assume not, and use their hosted forms, if you're serving EU customers.

The API supports updating marketing permissions, though, so feel free to experiment. The only way to create and edit marketing permissions at the moment, is to create a new signup form from your GDPR enabled audience, and edit the attached "Marketing permissions" block. To create the input checkboxes in your own form, you need to get the ID's of each permission. The only way to do this at the moment, is to get information about a member that's already subscribed to the list. So subscribe a user, then do (dump is only available when devMode is enabled):

{{ dump(craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getMarketingPermissionsByEmail('[email protected]')) }}

This will dump out an array of marketing permissions, where the important part is the marketing_permission_id that you'll need to add to you form like this:

<input type="hidden" name="marketing_permissions" value="">
<input type="checkbox" value="1c862d81f1" name="marketing_permissions[]">Weekly newsletter<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="46712a192a" name="marketing_permissions[]">Special offers<br>
<input type="checkbox" value="46acfd7a2b" name="marketing_permissions[]">Special offers from partners<br>

Again, make sure your form actually is GDPR compliant, and don't blame me.


There are several events that enable the ability for you to trigger custom code. Right now we have events for the subscribe, unsubscribe and delete actions that occur. All events should be listened to using the MailchimpSubscribeService class, examples can be found below


The onAfterSubscribe event is triggered whenever a successful subscribe action has occurred. The SubscribeEvent class will contain the following properties:

  • (string) email
  • (string) audienceId
use aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\events\SubscribeEvent;
use aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\services\MailchimpSubscribeService;

    function (SubscribeEvent $event) {
        // custom logic


The onAfterSubscribe event is triggered whenever a successful unsubscribe action has occurred. The UnsubscribeEvent class will contain the following properties:

  • (string) email
  • (string) audienceId
use aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\events\UnsubscribeEvent;
use aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\services\MailchimpSubscribeService;

    function (UnsubscribeEvent $event) {
        // custom logic


The onAfterDelete event is triggered whenever a successful delete action has occurred. The DeleteEvent class will contain the following properties:

  • (string) email
  • (string) audienceId
  • (bool) permanent
use aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\events\DeleteEvent;
use aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\services\MailchimpSubscribeService;

    function (DeleteEvent $event) {
        // custom logic

Controller actions

All controller actions:

  • Requires POST, so make sure to add a CSRF token to the request.
  • Returns JSON if the request was an ajax request/has the right headers.
  • A variable named mailchimpSubscribe will be available in your templates if an error occurs, or if you return to the same template after success, without redirecting (see examples above).


Subscribes a member to an audience. The following variables can be submitted:

email (required): Email of member to subscribe.
redirect: Route to redirect to on success. If not set, the same route will be loaded with mailchimpSubscribe variable set.
audienceId: ID of audience to subscribe the member to. If not set, the configured audienceId will be used.
email_type: Email type the member prefers. Can be html (default) or text
language: Preferred language for member (see documentation for possible language codes).
vip: Sets VIP status for member, accepted values are true, yes, 1 for true, anything else is considered false (default).
merge_fields: An array of additional fields defined in Mailchimp (Currently called "Audience fields and |MERGE| tags" in Mailchimp).
marketing_permissions: An array of marketing permissions that should be enabled for member.
interests: An array of group interests that should be enabled for member (you find these under "Manage Contacts" > "Groups" in Mailchimp).
tags: An array of tags that should be enabled for member (you find these under "Manage Contacts" > "Tags" in Mailchimp). New tags are automatically created in Mailchimp.

The action will return a SubscribeResponse with the action property set to subscribe.


Unsubscribes a member from an audience. The following variables can be submitted:

email (required): Email of member to unsubscribe.
redirect: Route to redirect to on success. If not set, the same route will be loaded with mailchimpSubscribe variable set.
audienceId: ID of audience to unsubscribe the member from. If not set, the configured audienceId will be used.

The action will return a SubscribeResponse with the action property set to unsubscribe.


Delete a member from an audience. The following variables can be submitted:

email (required): Email of member to delete.
redirect: Route to redirect to on success. If not set, the same route will be loaded with mailchimpSubscribe variable set.
audienceId: ID of audience to delete the member from. If not set, the configured audienceId will be used.
permanent: Set to true if the member should be permanently deleted. See the "Differences between unsubscribe, delete and permanent delete" section above for more information on what this means.

The action will return a SubscribeResponse with the action property set to delete.


Gets information about a member in an audience by email. The following variables can be submitted:

email (required): Email to query.
redirect: Route to redirect to on success. If not set, the same route will be loaded with mailchimpSubscribe variable set.
audienceId: ID of audience to unsubscribe the member to. If not set, the configured audienceId will be used.

The action will return a MemberResponse with the action property set to get-member.


Gets information about an audience by its ID. The following variables can be submitted:

audienceId: ID of audience to get information on. If not set, the configured audienceId will be used.
redirect: Route to redirect to on success. If not set, the same route will be loaded with mailchimpSubscribe variable set.

The action will return a AudienceResponse with the action property set to get-audience.

Template variables

In the definitions below, square brackets indicate parameters that are optional. If audience ID is not submitted, the id from the config file will be used.

All methods will return null if an error occured, please refer to you logs/debug toolbar for the error message.


Returns interest groups for an audience in the following structure:

    0 => [
        'title' => 'Job position'
        'type' => 'radio'
        'interests' => [
            0 => [
                'id' => '3ba93a1818'
                'name' => 'Developer'
            1 => [
                'id' => '98a725d885'
                'name' => 'Designer'
            2 => [
                'id' => 'e54cdea2b8'
                'name' => 'Project Manager'
    1 => [
        'title' => 'Interests'
        'type' => 'checkboxes'
        'interests' => [
            0 => [
                'id' => '517e7129x5'
                'name' => 'Donating'
            1 => [
                'id' => '15128d2daf'
                'name' => 'Volunteering'
            2 => [
                'id' => 'f254817294'
                'name' => 'Events'


Queries the Mailchimp API for an audience, and returns the response object in its entirety. Please refer to the API documentation for details.

craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getMemberByEmail($email [, $id = ''])

Queries the Mailchimp API for a member, and returns the response object in its entirety. Please refer to the API documentation for details.

craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getMarketingPermissionsByEmail($email [, $id = ''])

Queries the Mailchimp API for a member, and returns the marketing permissions for that member in the following structure:

    0 => stdClass#1
        [marketing_permission_id] => '0e963d96x1'
        [text] => 'Weekly newsletter'
        [enabled] => true
    1 => stdClass#2
        [marketing_permission_id] => '42723a122x'
        [text] => 'Special offers'
        [enabled] => false
    2 => stdClass#3
        [marketing_permission_id] => '36cxbd1a8b'
        [text] => 'Special offers from partners'
        [enabled] => false

You can also get this directly from the member, this method is just for convenience.

craft.mailchimpSubscribe.getMemberTagsByEmail($email [, $id = ''])

Queries the Mailchimp API for a member's tags, and returns them in the following structure:

    0 => stdClass#1
        [id] => 32608
        [name] => 'One tag'
        [date_added] => '2019-06-24T18:35:07+00:00'
    1 => stdClass#2
        [id] => 32611
        [name] => 'Three tag'
        [date_added] => '2019-06-24T18:35:07+00:00'

You can also get this directly from the member, this method is just for convenience.

Service methods

You can access Mailchimp Subscribe's service methods from your own plugin or module, by doing something like this:

$msPlugin = Craft::$app->plugins->getPlugin('mailchimp-subscribe');

if ($msPlugin && $msPlugin instanceof \aelvan\mailchimpsubscribe\MailchimpSubscribe) {
    $msPlugin->mailchimpSubscribe->subscribe('[email protected]', '2a34d0978q');

The available public methods are (again, square brackets indicate parameters that are optional):

subscribe($email, $audienceId[, $opts=null]): SubscribeResponse

Subscribes a member to an audience. The third, optional parameter, is an array of all the possible parameters documented in the subscribe controller action above. The response is always an SubscribeResponse, as documented below. Example:

$response = $msPlugin->mailchimpSubscribe->subscribe('[email protected]', '2a34d0978q', [
    'email_type' => 'html', 
    'language' => 'no',
    'merge_fields' => [
        'FNAME' => 'Lorem',
        'LNAME' => 'Ipsum'

unsubscribe($email, $audienceId): SubscribeResponse

Unsubscribes a member from an audience. The response is always an SubscribeResponse, as documented below. Example:

$response = $msPlugin->mailchimpSubscribe->unsubscribe('[email protected]', '2a34d0978q');

delete($email, $audienceId[, $permanent = false]): SubscribeResponse

Deletes a member from an audience. If the third parameter is true, a hard delete is performed, see explanation above for the differences between unsubscribe, delete, and hard delete. The response is always an SubscribeResponse, as documented below. Example:

$response = $msPlugin->mailchimpSubscribe->delete('[email protected]', '2a34d0978q', true);

getMemberByEmail($email, $audienceId): Collection|null

Gets information about a member from an audience. The response is null if an error occured (see logs/debug toolbar for error message), and a Collection object if the request was successful. The collection will have all the information about the member, as documented in the Mailchimp API. Example:

$member = $msPlugin->mailchimpSubscribe->getMemberByEmail('[email protected]', '2a34d0978q');

getAudienceById($audienceId): Collection|null

Gets information about an audience. The response is null if an error occured (see logs/debug toolbar for error message), and a Collection object if the request was successful. The collection will have all the information about the audience, as documented in the Mailchimp API. Example:

$member = $msPlugin->mailchimpSubscribe->getAudienceById('2a34d0978q');

getMarketingPermissionsByEmail($email, $audienceId): array|null

Gets marketing permissions from a member. The response is null if an error occured (see logs/debug toolbar for error message), and an array if the request was successful. See the documentation for the corresponding template variable for an example of the returned data.

getInterestGroups($audienceId): array|null

Gets interests groups from an audience. The response is null if an error occured (see logs/debug toolbar for error message), and an array if the request was successful. See the documentation for the corresponding template variable for an example of the returned data.

getMemberTagsByEmail($email, $audienceId): array|null

Gets tags from a member. The response is null if an error occured (see logs/debug toolbar for error message), and an array if the request was successful. See the documentation for the corresponding template variable for an example of the returned data.



Returned by subscribe, unsubscribe and delete controller actions. Has the following properties:

action: Indicates which of the actions where used to trigger the response. If you have more than one type of form on a single template, this is how you differenciate which form was submitted.
success: Boolean indicating if the request was successful or not.
errorCode: If an error occured, the error code will be set. 1000 indicates an invalid email and 2000 an invalid API key or audienceId. For all other error codes, refer to the Mailchimp API documentation.
message: If an error occured, an error message will be returned.
values: The values that were submitted from the form.
response: The complete Mailchimp response that the request resulted in.


Returned by the get-member-by-email controller actions. Has the following properties:

action: Indicates which of the actions where used to trigger the response, will always be 'get-member' for this response.
success: Boolean indicating if the request was successful or not.
response: The complete Mailchimp response that the request resulted in.


Returned by the get-audience-by-id controller actions. Has the following properties:

action: Indicates which of the actions where used to trigger the response, will always be 'get-audience' for this response.
success: Boolean indicating if the request was successful or not.
response: The complete Mailchimp response that the request resulted in.

Price, license and support

The plugin is released under the MIT license, meaning you can do what ever you want with it as long as you don't blame me. It's free, which means there is absolutely no support included.

