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Last Updated: 2022-06-22 10:52:35

Theme and asset management for laravel

License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

Languages: PHP


Latest Stable Version Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

Themevel is a Laravel theme and asset management package. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project.


  • Custom theme path
  • Override theme
  • Parent theme support
  • Unlimited Parent view finding
  • Asset Finding
  • Theme translator support
  • Multiple theme config extension
  • Multiple theme changelog extension
  • Artisan console commands
  • Theme enable only Specific route via middleware
  • Almost everything customizable
  • Also Laravel 7.0+, 8.0+, 9.0+ Support


Themevel is a Laravel package so you can install it via Composer. Run this command in your terminal from your project directory:

composer require shipu/themevel

Wait for a while, Composer will automatically install Themevel in your project.


Below Laravel 5.5 you have to call this package service in config/app.php config file. To do that, add this line in app.php in providers array:


Below Laravel 5.5 version to use facade you have to add this line in app.php to the aliases array:

'Theme' => Shipu\Themevel\Facades\Theme::class,

Now run this command in your terminal to publish this package resources:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shipu\Themevel\Providers\ThemevelServiceProvider"

Artisan Command

Run this command in your terminal from your project directory.

Create a theme directory:

php artisan theme:create your_theme_name

 What is theme title?:

 What is theme description? []:

 What is theme author name? []:

 What is theme version? []:

 Any parent theme? (yes/no) [no]:
 > y

 What is parent theme name?:

List of all themes:

php artisan theme:list

| Name     | Author       | Version | Parent   |
| themeone | Shipu Ahamed | 1.1.0   |          |
| themetwo | Shipu Ahamed | 1.0.0   | themeone |

Example folder structure:

- app/
- ..
- ..
- Themes/
    - themeone/
        - assets
            - css
                - app.css
            - img
            - js
        - lang
            - en
        - views/
            - layouts
                - master.blade.php
            - welcome.blade.php
        - changelog.yml        
        - theme.json
     - themetwo/   

You can change theme.json and changelog.yml name from config/theme.php

// ..
'config' => [
    'name' => 'theme.json',
    'changelog' => 'changelog.yml'
// ..

json, yml, yaml, php, ini, xml extension supported.

For example:

// ..
'config' => [
    'name' => 'theme.json',
    'changelog' => 'changelog.json'
// ..

Then run theme:create command which describe above.

Now Please see the API List Doc.

View Finding Flow:

Suppose you want find welcome.blade.php

 - At first check your active theme 
 - If `welcome.blade.php not found in active theme then search parent recursively
 - If `welcome.blade.php not found in parents theme then search laravel default view folder resources/views

API List


For switching current theme you can use set method.



For getting current theme details you can use get method:

Theme::get(); // return Array

You can also get particular theme details:

Theme::get('theme-name'); // return Array
Theme::get('theme-name', true); // return Collection


Retrieve current theme's name:

Theme::current(); // return string


Retrieve all theme information:

Theme::all(); // return Array


For getting whether the theme exists or not:

Theme::has(); // return bool


For info about the specified theme:

$themeInfo = Theme::getThemeInfo('theme-name'); // return Collection

$themeName = $themeInfo->get('name');
// or
$themeName = $themeInfo['name'];

Also fallback support:

$themeInfo = Theme::getThemeInfo('theme-name'); // return Collection

$themeName = $themeInfo->get('changelog.versions');
// or
$themeName = $themeInfo['changelog.versions'];
// or you can also call like as multi dimension
$themeName = $themeInfo['changelog']['versions'];


For binding theme assets you can use the assets method:

Theme::assets('your_asset_path'); // return string

It's generated at BASE_URL/theme_roots/your_active_theme_name/assets/your_asset_path

If your_asset_path does not exist then it's find to active theme immediate parent assets folder. Look like BASE_URL/theme_roots/your_active_theme_parent_name/assets/your_asset_path

When using helper you can also get assets path:

themes('your_asset_path'); // return string

If you want to bind specific theme assets:

Theme::assets('your_theme_name:your_asset_path'); // return string
// or 
themes('your_theme_name:your_asset_path'); // return string

Suppose you want to bind app.css in your blade. Then below code can be applicable:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ themes('app.css') }}">

Specific theme assets:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ themes('your_theme_name:app.css') }}">


The lang method translates the given language line using your current theme localization files:

echo Theme::lang('content.title'); // return string
// or
echo lang('content.title'); // return string

also support

echo Theme::lang('content.title', [your replace array], 'your desire locale'); // return string
// or
echo lang('content.title', [your replace array], 'your desire locale'); // return string

If you want to bind specific theme assets:

echo Theme::lang('your_theme_name::your_asset_path'); // return string
// or 
echo lang('your_theme_name::your_asset_path'); // return string

How to use in Route

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

This will firstly check if there is a welcome.blade.php in current theme directory. If none is found then it checks parent theme, and finally falls back to default Laravel views location.

If you want to specific theme view:

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('your_theme_name::welcome');

Set theme using route middleware

A helper middleware is included out of the box if you want to define a theme per route. To use it:

First register it in app\Http\Kernel.php:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // ...
    'theme' => \Shipu\Themevel\Middleware\RouteMiddleware::class,

Now you can apply the middleware to a route or route-group. Eg:

Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin', 'middleware'=>'theme:Your_theme_name'], function() {
    // ... Add your routes here 
    // The Your_theme_name will be applied.

Set theme using web middleware

A helper middleware is included out of the box if you want to define a theme per route. To use it:

First register it in app\Http\Kernel.php:

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [
        // ...
    // ...

Theme set from config/theme.php .

Then in your controller you can call your view as you would normally do:

return view('home');  // This will load the home.blade.php from the the folder you set in your `config/theme.php`

Dependency Injection

You can also inject theme instance using ThemeContract, eg:

use Shipu\Themevel\Contracts\ThemeContract;

private $theme;

public function __construct(ThemeContract $theme)
    $this->theme = $theme


Clear config after runing vendor publish (see Config section) to save issues related to config caching by running:

php artisan config:cache

php artisan config:clear


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