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Last Updated: 2023-06-21 07:49:34

Provides an elegant syntax to connect to SSH servers and execute commands.

License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

Languages: PHP

PHP SSH Connection

Build Status Coverage Status

The PHP SSH Connection package provides an elegant syntax to connect to SSH servers and execute commands. It supports both password and public-private keypair authentication, and can easily capture command output and errors.


You can install the PHP SSH Connection package by running the following Composer command.

composer require divineomega/php-ssh-connection


See the following basic usage instructions.

$connection = (new SSHConnection())
         // ->withPrivateKey($privateKeyPath)
         // ->timeout(0)

$command = $connection->run('echo "Hello world!"');

$command->getOutput();  // 'Hello World'
$command->getError();   // ''

$connection->upload($localPath, $remotePath);
$connection->download($remotePath, $localPath);

For security, you can fingerprint the remote server and verify the fingerprint remains the same upon each subsequent connection.

$fingerprint = $connection->fingerprint();

if ($newConnection->fingerprint() != $fingerprint) {
    throw new Exception('Fingerprint does not match!');

If you wish, you can specify the type of fingerprint you wish to retrieve.

$md5Fingerprint  = $connection->fingerprint(SSHConnection::FINGERPRINT_MD5); // default
$sha1Fingerprint = $connection->fingerprint(SSHConnection::FINGERPRINT_SHA1);